Also I’ve built the cuda_tromp version of the mining software which also gives me just around 35 sol/s for my GTX 1080 GPU. But this can’t be what a GTX 1080 can deliver on Ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS/4.10.0-13-generic? Is there other Equihash mining software available for Linux or can you give me any other advice?
Only heard about PNY within past 24 hours so seeing this really has got me sold
Last thing, whats your pow effi and have you done the numbers on excavator yet seeing as I’ve heard nothing but good things?
@floor12 Try overclocking your core and memory, you should be able to get 450 sol/s no problem. But if you pay for electricity and you’re going for maximum efficiency, you may be better off setting the power limit at 80% to achieve ~420 sol/s.
Agreed. I guess its boils down to your mining strategy, space, power etc. I am trying to get as close to 20 amps draw for each circuit / rig. 8 1080’s gets me to ~19amps and 5.8KSol/s / rig. 8 1070’s is half the amps and ~3.4 KSol/s, so not my best option to maximize each available circuit.
If you have it lying around, sure, it has a 1060 which can get you 300 Sol/s and above.
But I wouldn’t fork out any USD for the mini pc if that’s what you’re thinking.
You’d be better off piecing together your own GPU rig and getting 10x that plus more rets than settling for the en1080k; if you want pointers feel free to PM as this going off subject from original thread.