Hi i am new on mining and need little help to
best overclock for msi trio 1080i for equihash
use msi afterburner and the best advice is just play around with the power core and memory clocks to suit what you want and need. every card is different.
If the system locks up, you went to high, just reboot and everything is back to stock.
ok i try that .but if someone have this cards please share some screenshot
Somewhere in the neighborhood of these.
70 or 75 Thermal Limit
+100 - +150 for core clock
+400 - +500 for memory perhaps as high as +800 if you have a good card with samsung memory.
Let the card/s run mining for several hours at stock to get good and warm and be sure your rig is stable before overclocking.
Set your thermal limit to 70 or 75c. I recommend 70. Anything higher and you are baking the card and will shorten the lifespan of the card and wear out the fans rapidly. I try to keep my cards in the 50-60c range. If your cards run hotter, invest in fans to pull the hot air away.
Adjust core clock and memory separately.
So adjust core clock and start around +75. Make changes higher in small increments or 10-25 and let it mine for at least 5 minutes each time. Keep adjusting every 5 minutes until it gets unstable, then back off a little bit until it can run the miner again. That is likely the max for that setting, but not necessarily a stable max.
Then do the memory clock the same way. Start about +300.
Once you have the max settings for core and memory, then see if it will mine for a few days without crashing, locking up, throwing random errors in the miner software, or showing glitches on your screen. If so, then it’s a good stable max.
Lastly, you could adjust the Power Limit so as to maximize efficiency or hashes/sols per watt. Most people do this because it uses less power, makes less heat, and maximizes card lifespan. But you are lowering your hashrate a bit.
65 - 85% Power Limit in MSI Afterburner for most efficiency. Run the mining software for a few minutes, then start lowering TDP in 5% increments. You will see the hash rate drop some, but not drastically. EWBF and some other mining software can show efficiency if you enable that option. At some point in the range you should see efficiency peak. That is your sweat spot. I personally don’t lower my power limit because my temps are low, my fans run at 50% or less, and I want my hashrate as high as possible. But I may do it in the future as the power saving can be substantial.
You can find more about 1080ti’s in this post: NVIDIA GTX 1080 ti GPUs - #711 by ZC93