This round of ZF Minor Grants Program is .
Here is a brief summary of the entries for the second round of ZF minor grants.
Excerpts are quoted from the original forum posts, please read the full application for proper context.
I want to present here my proposal for the second round of Minor Grants Program.
Everyone knows about TxStreet a mempool visualizer for various coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, etc… But they don’t support Zcash.
So, I want to create our own mempool visualizer!
Asking for: $18,400 USD
Asking for: $24,600 USD
The proposal aims to create an online radio whose main programming is the dissemination and information of the constant events of everything that happens in the Zcash ecosystem through entertainment, information, educational material and dissemination activities to strengthen awareness and practices. of privacy throughout the country.
Asking for: $6,200
It has been more than demonstrated that the Spanish-speaking community is eager for information in Spanish about Zcash, that is why, unlike our proposal for the previous Minor Grants, we have decided to up the ante. The strategy in this New Stage of Zcast will be the following:
Increase the frequency of the podcast to 1 weekly episode (In the 1st season, which is about to end, the established frequency was biweekly).
Decrease the length of each episode. We have determined through polling of subscribers and community members that they prefer shorter content (episodes of no more than 30 minutes).
Bring more guests to the podcast (Subscribers and community members have asked us for more podcast guests to be interviewed).
Doing outdoor episodes. (We have also been asked to visit local businesses, venues or stores, and talk to people on the street to get their opinions in general about privacy, Blockchain technology and Zcash).
Asking for: $24,000
The main goal of these in-person workshops is to promote the adoption of Zcash as a payment method in businesses in San Juan de los Morros, Guárico state, Venezuela, and surrounding cities.
To do this, we will be targeting merchants directly, as they are the key players in the adoption process. In this way, we hope to raise awareness about the benefits of Zcash, such as its privacy and security, and help merchants overcome any barriers they may have to adopting it.
Asking for: $7,550 USD
Supplementing the Bounty Program will allow ZecHub to continue operations into mid 2024, allowing for planning and preparation of larger projects in advance.
Improving the quality of content released is a growing necessity if we are to find a larger audience, seeking longer duration tasks and quality contributions will be less challenging if our Treasury is able to accommodate for it.
Asking for: $7,000 USD
This grant seeks to continue educational activities centered around Zcash in Africa particularly in Nigeria and Ghana . We believe that promoting knowledge and understanding of privacy-preserving technologies, such as Zcash, is crucial for empowering individuals and communities in today’s digital age. Our previous efforts have yielded positive results, and we are eager to expand and build upon our successes.
Asking for: $9,850 USD
I want to attend ten trade shows, live markets, or shopping center locations. To showcase zec transactions, and sell zcash directly. Individuals will be introduced to zcash, and different methods to interact with the network, make transactions, most importantly purchase zcash and earn zcash. Interested individuals can receive purchased zcash direct to an address or on ssd card. Individuals will be able to earn zcash by completing a basic questionnaire, sending a transaction to zec internet boards, becoming a zcash community member.
I will set up a tradition trade show booth at a location with high volume human traffic. The booths aim is to be presented in warm inviting, friendly service atmosphere.
The aim is to have two standing monitors showing looping video to present zcash. Two stand up signs introducing zcash. Paper flyers and multiple paper questionnaires about zcash. Two clothed tables running, two internet connect zcash nodes, two internet connected mobile computers offering methods to connect to the zcash network.
Asking for: $13,962 USD (537 ZEC x $26 USD)
Zecwallet Light servers are down and not maintained anymore. Unfortunately, this leaves the Zcash public infrastructure with fewer options. There are no servers that run the ZecWallet fork of LWD that includes the Spam Filtering capabilities, and basically only This grant is about running the servers on a cloud provider for 1 year AT COST.
Asking for: $6,000 USD
The current landscape of Zcash doesn’t have enough design support. ECC has done an admiral job of creating an SDK available to the public which adequately supports the existing partners and exchanges. However, it seems unlikely they will launch a product on their own and a large amount of the intricacies of good user experience aren’t publicly defined. Pacu has stepped up to ensure the SDK is available and usable, but there are no HCI guidelines or open-source design system available. I would like to remedy this now and ensure all the UX lessons of the past are documented and shared publicly.
Asking for: $24,000 USD
This grant is intended to fund the launch of a Version 1.0 Zcash real time data and analytics webpage. Currently, many important Zcash metrics are available from Messari and Coinmetrics, but they are behind paywalls. This Minor Grant will fund an open data website freely providing some metrics that are currently only available from Messari and Coinmetrics, and it will feature some metrics that are not available anywhere at all to my knowledge.
Asking for: $25,000 USD
I signed up for a new project that will push the narrative of financial privacy online by leveraging the power of art. I am very pleased to share with you the details of my recent Minor Grants application .
The “Art for Privacy Awards” consist of an open call for traditional and Web3 artists who must create original works of art that will be awarded $ZEC in this contest. The creative works will have to be based on three main themes:
The mission of Zcash .
The Cypherpunk Manifesto by Eric Hughes.
Any relevant historical event regarding privacy.
The disciplines admitted for the first edition will be music, photography, poetry and digital art (illustration, gif, 3D).
Asking for: $9,000 USD
Grand total of applications: $175,562
As before, the maximum grant size is $25,000, and the total budget is $75,000.
The total budget for the ZF Minor Grants Program is $75,000.
Since not everyone can be accepted, I wish all the participants the best of luck. And may the ZCAP members vote for the best!