About 7 years ago, I created the merchant directory, It’s a directory of merchants that accept Zcash payment for goods and services.
Initially, the ZF granted about 10 ZEC to create the site with 3 years of hosting. The site has always been free to use. Even with ads or a paywall, I doubt it would generate any meaningful revenue.
When that initial hosting expired, I considered shutting it down, but it was pandemic time, and things were wierd, so I renewed the hosting and kept it going. The next year, the ZCG asked me to be an ambassador, so during that time I updated listings, convinced several local merchants to accept Zcash, updated the site design, added a merchant map and a translation dropdown.
Over the last year or so, I haven’t been able to actively curate listings or court new ones, so I’m afraid things have become stale and in many cases inaccurate.
So the question is, does anyone have any creative ideas for If not, the domain and hosting expire in a couple months.


Perhaps @squirrel and I could help? I want to keep this site going.


ZecHub maintining it would be good move imo.
could get community members to update it etc


Yes, if you’re willing, I think you’d be the perfect owner(s). Let me know what you need. The site is built in Wordpress. At the end of the day it’s just a list of merchants, so that list could be simple and one page, anywhere. I can send you a Wordpress XML file with all the data and/or give you admin login if you want to see behind the scenes.


Thanks for reaching out and making sure this important resource stays available!

5 Likes is now in the good hands of ZecHub. Thanks @dismad and @squirrel for keeping it from going gentle into that good night!


Hi, I’d be happy to collaborate on a revamp of Could develop a Next.js website with MDX and JSON files and allow contributions via GitHub. I have some experience working with maps also, and could create a virtualised map with search.