When a transaction are made, there is a ‘operation id’ number for get later result and error(or not) of transaction
The problems are:
Operation id have limit of call ( one or two) and disappear really fast of zcash node(still connected and synchronized)
Don’t stay in memory… (impossible to get an history for later verification)
My questions is : How to efficiently make and check a transaction on zcash mainnet network and php and bypass problem above ?
(Maybe in zcash.conf)
I’m really in doubt about this situation, I need, after making transaction, a way for check transaction multiple time,(if possible, without operation id) and stay in memory but How ?!!!
in the above case handle_transaction.sh is a shell script that will be executed when you receive or send a transaction. %s will have the tx id. ( I am not sure if it will called exactly once or not ! ). Please do some further research.
It gets called twice - first time is when the transaction is received, second time is when it gets the first confirmation (ie: mined)
It also gets called when your node is ‘catching up’, when its been off for a while and is downloading blocks and the new blocks contain transactions for your wallet.