POLL: What are your plans for the Zcash you Mine?

Miners love to talk about their rigs, show off hashrates, etc … so what are they doing with all the zec fresh off the block?

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I’m holding. Goes direct to Ledger Nano S hardware wallet.

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I’m holding it hoping for a nice increase.

Holding and have been for weeks now,direct to nano s

sold, changed to monero and benchmarking other algos

Holding. And hoping that one day…
Sometimes praying. :slight_smile:

Holding some and changing some to other alts.

Stop mining, it is cheaper to buy ZEC … I still waiting for the expected ground.

D to the U to the M to the P

At current price I’m simply holding.

Not a very smart statement considering it completely depends on your mining circumstances. I mine cheaper than current price.

Every one is holding then why the price going down…?

dumping the moment i get them

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Dump now and buy back at lower price…

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hold them % to at least cover power cost rest I keep

I meant that I stopped mining …

I am new to Zcash mining. I do have have Zcash or ZEC address and would like to have one. Can any one help.

Hold it and hope for better rates!