went up after mounts ? where has you been last 3 months ?
The first chart shows actual hash rate expressed as difficulty in blue over the past 3 days, but based on a 30 block average, and shifted back 15 blocks so that it shows actual hashrate at that time (it uses hindsight to determine what the hashrate was). The red is the regular difficulty, which you can see takes about 50 blocks to respond to increases in hashrate. It’s smoother and much slower to respond because Zcash’s tempered N=17 averaging makes it effectively an N=63 averaging period. 1 of the 30% increases was due to chance from sampling only N=30.
The second chart is a 6-hour average (N=144) over the past 30 days.
If you ask me, there will be a second huge pump on saturday/sunday when zec get listed on bithumb.
Take a look on the monero chart at the end of august. There was a pump when listing was confirmed (22. august) and a second pump after monero get listed (26. august).
I don’t understand why zec has fallen back to 300usd, i expected a dump to 350 like monero does.
Second pump is coming for sure, so why should i sell at 300? This makes no sense to me…
Dear Koso16 , I started to mine ZEC in lately June. When I started mine for it the price was 0,126. I did not see one more time this price, it decreased until yesterday. I have been watching by unhappyly for 2 mounths. Of course I’m newbee and 2 mounths sound like a long time for me. May be I have no enough experience and for this reason I panic for the price development. I’m confused a bit.
Did the big increase in ZEC price that happened earlier this morning coincide with the Bithumb announcement? The push up to 400 or so started around 0200 EDT US this morning. What time was the Bithumb news?
If you need to sell, now it’s the time, it will fall back to low 200s. This exchange addition nonsense doesn’t fool people who know how this market works.
It coincided. Once the ZEC promotion page was posted, the rally was on.
ZEC spent some time on par with ETH before this. Given ETH’s anti-satoshi attributes (undefined quantity, lack of simplicity, dependency on devs), and the importance of ZEC’s anonymity, I think par is a fair price, but I would not trade ZEC for ETH at any price.
Yes, the first smaller pumps happened when the rumor of listing appeared.
This was the first evidence we had for the listing:
After it was officialy announced, the price went up to 400usd.
no needs for the dear i am also a new in the zec game mining for aprox 4th month trading with eur on kraken and i see at start of september has been a rise to 265 eur then drop again to 120 eur so yeah it has rised also before but not that high as now…no offence meant…
I think this upmove was almost planned, such a huge final upmove and then a 100% reversal is just not normal, i think alot of people got hurt when they fomo bought zcash.
I made decent penny, but was hoping for a dip so i could buy more, but the dip turned into a freefall, so looks like i will have to activate my superhuman bag holding skills again.
The dump, of such massive scale just seems manipulated and its not healthy
Does anyone of you have a idea how long we would need to bag hold this before it retesting 400+ area again ?
@kek Maybe you have some insight m8 ?
I am still holding 3k spot
I think you could have pretty easily predicted this. Very few coins can sustain a 30% increase in a few hours and not have it come back down. Hopefully you were like me. I saw it hit $420, then started coming back down. At $394 ZEC and $306 ETH, I transferred the majority of my ZEC into ETH. and waited for it to drop. Transferred back into ZEC at $311 ZEC and $304 ETH.
Made a decent return with more ZEC to show for it. I probably could have waited for it to drop more, as I don’t believe it’s done dropping yet, but I made money regardless.
I agree with the predictability. Zcash wasn’t very profitable in the markets for a long time. The price kept dropping. So when there was a huge spike in buying, the price went up of course. When it hit a certain point, people decided to sell to get some profit. That’s why it fell back down.
I dont buy that story line, we all know that price does powerfull pullbacks, but 100% retracements are not normal, the entire thning makes no sense TA speaking.
Even profit taking does not explain this
Waiting for some more plausible explanation
dump serves a specific purpose… to buy large quantities of ZEC MM will “buy the book” there’s no way around this. when MM moves the market like that, they will perform “stress tests” on a market to gauge true support, or to find how much dominance they have over a market. not saying this is definitely what happened, but that’s how it usually works.
it’s great way to lose weak hands, by buying them off on the upside, and tanking it to lose more. it’s an old move that will prolly never go out of style, because traders always fall for it.
hey kek where do you feel will be the bottom of the dump ?
Zcash’s Wild Ride: Prices Spike to $400, Fall to $300, But What’s Next?
via Blockfolio: goo.gl/p95yia
hahaha we made it coindesk Zcash's Wild Ride: Prices Spike to $400, Fall to $300, But What's Next? - CoinDesk
i was asleep when this happened… still analyzing the situation… really don’t feel comfortable with trying to publicly call a bottom, ATM. i do feel comfortable saying we’ll see $400 again, very soon. possibly by tomorrow, or tonight. this is new money (super bullish), and not sure how they trade yet…
i totally understand you. I have been up all the night when i saw what has started happening went sleep at 7 AM after it has been clear its going to drop …but thx for the info, will take a close look during the night and tomorrow