I have seen that mining zcash right now is the best option, but I am not sure if online calculators account for the developer’s cut. If I mine with 2 rx480 8 gb, about how much zec per month would I make if the developer fee is accounted for?
Around 1.5 ZEC per month.
and that is per card or in total? Because I mine ethereum currently at about $80 per month between both cards
I have 2 rx 480s as well and mining 500 H total on 970 gaming MB 32 g ram ssd. AMD fx 8 core 4.2 ghz so far my tests conclude I have made little over 2$ in z cash in the 24 hrs … I think math tells me 60 for a month roughly Had a few stops for configuring and testing . so ya bout 1.5 and total… so a buck a card a day.