its summer time, getting 35-40c outside (23c in the shade), the room i have the rig in is like a sauna, and i have a pretty big balcony, with a cool area not exposed to the sun.
i was thinking of moving the rig outside to the balcony - what do you guys think ?
i should ofcourse clean the fans every Friday with the air spray.
You would be better off trying to find a way to vent the room. It would be too risky out on a balcony. Ignoring temp issues, all sorts of critters could make their way into it. What if there’s a crazy hurricane like storm and the rain decides to go sideways hitting the machine?
it looks nice, i`ll be doing something similar, but i fail to understand how does he get cool air inside… i see nothing on the sides to create it… and on 35c outside i highly doubted any air will come in…