I’m mining ZCash, currently around 280 H/s on one amd rx 480 4GB on Linux ( kali linux 2016.2 bc it’s a debian distro with default kernel version compatible with amdgpu-pro drivers ).
I want to squeeze a lilttle bit more out of my brave card, but have failed to do so :(. I don’t know how to install adl SDK, seems like it’s not compatible with linux so my gpu miner can’t OC my GPU ( claymore GPU driver ).
I have tried to OC my GPU before launching miner with:
echo 5 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_mclk_od
command. But it only made GPU to mine at idle 300MHz memory frequency ( not only on claymore but also on silentarmy).
I don’t want to flash my GPU and loose my warranty. Any help pls?