I understand that z_sendmay works with Transparent or Protected coins (please correct me if I’m wrong) but I cannot get the following command to work properly. I’m simply trying to send some of my mined coins to http://faucet.zeropond.com with the following transaction. I’m sending freshly mined transparent test coins then I check the status with z_getoperationresult.
./zcash-cli z_sendmany “mtAr91GVnEDreZbq3eWffRCFXAnvqygABV” “[{"amount": .1, "address": "n4MXbgneZrJKYDQZrAqyeXsXcfgD3KcPqf"}]”
./zcash-cli z_getoperationresult
“id” : “opid-e5642ad5-d1c0-4063-95ae-9057598430c1”,
“status” : “failed”,
“creation_time” : 1473605375,
“error” : {
“code” : -6,
“message” : “Could not find any non-coinbase UTXOs to spend.”
I do not understand what “Could not find any non-coinbase UTXOs to spend” means. Can anyone help out?