Shielded Zcash point-of-sale by Anypay!

I’m super excited about this.

Imagine: You walk into your favorite store, pick out some cool sunglasses, walk up to the register, and pay with shielded Zcash before walking out the door to greet the world with your cool new shades on.

This is not a dream. This is real. And it is active right now!

Shielded Zcash is now available to any retail store or business! No ID required, no bank account, not even an email address! Totally private digital cash.

Tell your favorite cafe, bar, or restaurant. Tell your favorite thrift shop, upscale boutique, or salon. Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell the world!

Zcash, the way you always wanted, is now yours.

That’s from this post:

See also:

And this resource!


just posted to Twitter

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