Should The Forum Move to Discord?

Discord is a totally centralized mass-surveillance and censorship silo. It does not belong in open source—let alone in decentralized cryptocurrency—let alone in a privacy project.

Discord is callous towards users with accessibility needs, inaccessible to users who can’t afford the latest expensive gadgets, and hostile to open source. And Discord is infamously hostile to Tor users. (Do a Web search.) The Zcash Foundation is friendly with the Tor Project; both projects share many values and many goals. I suggest that everyone who likes Discord should attempt using it through Tor. If you take this suggestion, I hope you do not much care about your Discord account.

Changing the world works one story at a time.

What is your Discord horror story? This is mine:

The one and only time that I have ever tried to use Discord, their system auto-banned all of my new accounts upon account creation, before I could even use them. That happened even when I shamefully hid my Tor usage behind non-Tor “clean” residential IPs (which I usually refuse on principle), when I deigned to waste my limited lifetime repeatedly filling out CAPTCHAs (which I usually also refuse), and when I performed SMS “verification”.

I suspect the reason was that I disabled all their “telemetry”, i.e. intrusive device fingerprinting and surveillance. The reason could not have been my behaviour: I was always insta-banned before I could even exhibit any behaviour, or engage in any communications whatsoever.

After days of struggling with this, I contacted Discord support with a polite and appropriate request about one of those accounts. Weeks later, I finally received a reply saying that the account had been un-banned. I have not even tried logging in. Maybe someday; why should I bother, when I do not even want to use their horrid network? I care too much about my privacy to use Discord—and frankly, I care too much about my sanity.

To this day (2022-07-13), I have never posted, sent, or received even a single message on Discord.

Filed under: #PrivacyActivism