Should we have a non-Zcash forum category?

I see in the forum category “General” there’s a popular topic called ‘What are you listening to?’ and wondered whether we should test out an “Off Topic” forum category for everything non-Zcash related?

A home for chatter about movies, podcasts, music, gaming, brewing, food, hobbies, etc.

I presume we all do stuff outside of Zcash and having other non-cryptocurrency topics floating around might keep people active on the forums.



That sounds fine to me, I’ll pass it by the Foundation.

We post all kinds of random stuff on the Zcash Community Discord “off-topic” section, everything from music, to space ship launches, to interesting radio experiments.


It is a good idea. Having no strict “Zcash-talk only” rule on our Telegram makes the place much more community-minded (as opposed to hyper focused on ZEC)

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@egg We now have an off-topic category :slightly_smiling_face:

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Super! I’m ready to chat. :disguised_face:

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