I happen to have a friend with subsidized power so I decided to setup a rig for myself. I figured I would share the love and fill up a cabinet or two.
Cloud Contracts
2,200 H/s for 12 months at $3,500 upfront and $70 monthly hosting fee (power).
Added bonus of 100% control over the software (and the ability to switch currencies) plus a 3-month liquidation option. This means that if the price crashes within 3 months, I will sell the hardware off so you can recover up to 100% of your initial investment ($3,500 - mining profits).
There is a strong possibility that I will upgrade hardware and add water cooling, at which point you are welcome to reup your investment for additional horsepower.
This is 20% more hashing power per dollar than what Tresorio mining is offering (1,200H/s for 12 months @ $3K = ~$2 H/s vs ~$2.50) plus the ability to switch currencies and a 3 month liquidation option.
I will also entertain offers for hosting, please include power draw and rack-mount size.
About Me
If it helps, I can setup a formal contract through my friend’s company. However, I was a core dev for Namecoin and could steal a lot more money than this if I wanted to.
If you are interested, please email me at zcash-miner@protonmail.com (pgp: 94d844984709c7a91f042bf3e6eaf079b82c8628