The Forum that Could Be

That never seems to be anyone’s intent but that is where it ends up. Anytime people start policing content, it slides down the hill to the sewer at the bottom. It always starts small but grows like cancer or bureaucracies. Reddit and Neogaf are two prime examples.


One thing you could do is get some positive news about zcash out to the public. That might get some people in here. This place is a ghost town compared to when I found it. If you are concerned about bad news and negative comments then how about coming up with some good news. Instead of worrying about how people in this forum are responding to the depressing state of zcash, give people some news that will make people want to think about this situation in a positive manner.


I beg to differ. I’m highly interested in these regular updates from ECC. They are crucial for keeping track of progress, and for seeing opportunities to use or improve the work being done. This is true regardless of the project’s visibly in other media or social circles.


I’m not saying that this does not need to be done, I’m saying that it’s not interesting to many, informative but boring, if you add a little “show” here it will be better and not worse.

All that you see is, in fact, but no one else sees this, and there is a problem, I have already written to you many times that it is necessary to restructure the work and send information to the masses, not advertising, not agitation, but simply information about what do you achieve, what do you want to achieve in the short term (not 10 billion by 2050), here again, working with the cryptography class, it seems like a very good deed and idea, BUT the coin and the world-class team as it speaks to itself to work with the team 10 people are not quite good when there is an idea int rnet money, and expect a different scale, that’s all, I am only for such events, but apart from him there is nothing on the horizon, the information is fed poorly, even though the information is positive.
If it were presented as follows: “The ZCASH team is testing a pilot project with an experimental wallet using real-life cryptography as an example — today we have 15 students, and next year we will test pilot projects on cross-border capabilities using fully confidential Internet money.”

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I allready wanted to respond to that issue yesterday, but deleted my post not to be accused again i post on everything :frowning:

@tromer, i agree, they are interesting, but in my opinion the problem is that they seem to be made from technical advanced people for technical advanced people. You are one of these and that’s why they are perfect for you, i’am not and i have more than often problems to understand the content.
If the intention is to let the average joe know what happens than the most easy wording and formulations should be used.

I think this argumentation has a weakness while in general it’s a more than valid call.

We discuss allready what the moderators can do, what people might improve including myself, but what i’am missing is what can the ECC improve.
Maybe part of the problem is that everybody is willing to think about how to improve things, but nothing in this topic yet shows a sign that the ECC, or you as their represent here, would like to improve anything as well. I could be wrong but that’s my impression so far.

I personally strongly agree with these.

I had the same impression, even more i’am convinced i’am one of the targeted people you are referring too.

Could it be that what you call depression is actually reality?

This sounds like a strong expression that everything different from your high ideal view is wrong. Actually you refuse even to see issues. Someone that doesn’t see possible issues, won’t be able to fix them.

I have said above that high ideals can be seen as a very egoistic thinking and this part just strengthens my opinion. It doesn’t leave even room for discussion and collecting maybe valuable other views.


If you want to see what narrative capture looks like in the wild, simply review this thread and study how it devolved over a single weekend. Meta meta. :slight_smile: I’m out. Love and peace. -z2z-


Ok, seriously guys, what is going on in the comments?

Keep in mind that this thread was started as a suggestion from Josh about how he felt the forum dialogue could be improved, and a few others chimed in with ideas too.

Nothing about the Code of Conduct or moderating team has changed, this is still the same forum it was last week. There are no new “private only” rooms here and the same moderation policy is still in effect: Zcash Community Forum Moderation Policy

Many of us (including me) have asked for more information from the ECC with regards to what they are working on. Then Josh agreed and committed to working on it and passed the information along to everyone at the ECC.

So that’s progress. But what exactly are some of you hoping to accomplish by tearing apart the one ECC member who is taking the time to respond to your questions? There is a reason the core developers haven’t been stopping by as much as they used to and it’s because of things like this.

Sometimes we need to accept “Yes, we are working on it” as an answer and give them time to respond. Constructive criticism is part of any learning curve and it’s how things improve.


Which other posts or content other than the last 4 posts that have been flagged immediatly are out of topic? I was one of these that flagged them immediatly as they have no place in this topic, but as you referr to guys i wonder if you see any other post/content not being constructive in this topic?


@boxalex Your posts and many others are constructive, so let’s leave it at that.

I’m simply reminding users to try and keep it civil and you will be more likely to get answers to the questions that are being asked.


I don’t know why you people are surprised with negativity it is normal for people to be negative when when they are loosing money (most people are). Actually I was expecting much, much worse than this. R/ethdrader was at times far, far more negative. People are capitulating and when people capitulate it reassures them to talk negatively and to hear from like minded individuals.

Personally my entry was at average around $80 and this doesnt bother me because my investment was long term (4-8 years). I would be very surprised if ZEC doesnt break $1000 in a years time and that woud put its market cap at 10b come next halving. LTC halving happened during the bear market and still it appreciated significantly. ZEC halving will be when BTC supply shock kicks in so it is perfectly positioned for the bull run. This will start with miners cutting supply leading up to the halving, like with every other coin.

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OMG thank you, ChileBob! Now I don’t have to just manually scroll past all the posts from that one user whose posts I don’t read! Thanks.

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You’re welcome. I only have a few on my ignore list but that changed things significantly.

Am still reading boxalex, thought I’d mention that 'cos he’ll probably ask :wink:

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Ignoring people who one believes are bad actors is probably the easiest way to focus attention to more viable information. Or remaining in an echo chamber. Depends on the character and the ability to tolerate different perspectives…

Since we come from many different backgrounds, cultures and experiences it can be really difficult to apply moderation in order to remove bad actors while remaining objective.

It’s not like we are trying to reinvent the hot water. There are tools to determine who isn’t acting in good faith, who is acting out of malicious intent and who simply doesn’t know any better… I can say that so far the moderators are doing a good job, to me they seem open minded and do their best to be kind and respectful while intervening only when they see necessary from their own individual perspectives.

I’ll end with this - The distinction between “statement of fact” and “ad hominem” can get real close.

A kid from a tale yells from the crowd “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!” is a kind of ad hominem. But if the emperor walks around his people butt naked, tricked by two weavers who made him a new suit of clothes that they say is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent – while in reality, they make no clothes at all, it’s also a statement of fact.

From The Emperor’s New Clothes


Imagine an american president that says: “I don’t care about the opinions of who didn’t vote for me”.

Understanding who you don’t agree with is very precious.
In most cases the people I agree less with are the people most similar to me.

This is actually the most valid reasoning behind negative feelings and actions/posts in the forum.

@Shawn I think it would be nice to have a category for the OG users where we can discuss freely about any given topic. I would love to share other personal interests with the community, share knowledge and opinions, free consulting, shared development sessions, love, relationships and so on.

I do feel connected to many in here and I’m pretty sure we would enjoy and respect eachother more if we had a place to bond with some privacy. Not that we couldn’t already, but having google indexing your posts doesn’t incentivate intimacy.

Paramaters could be subscribed over 6 months/1 year and at least 100 hearts.
If these features are not supported by discourse (maybe some plugin already?) I’d say even a simple SQL query to check requirements and create a seperate group could be an eventual way…


Discourse already has a semi-private “Lounge” category that unlocks for all forum users once they are trust level 3.

OGs who have been here for awhile should be 3 by now, if not here’s how to get there: Understanding Discourse Trust Levels

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If you can set regular status to be permanent then I think it could work for the purpose I wrote above.
The issue with regular status from vanilla discourse is that it is pretty easy to lose it during short periods of vacations/work/studies.

  • Must have visited at least 50% of days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)

Reading 1/4 of last 20k/100day posts is not obvious. When “Let’s talk about ASIC mining” was on fire I literally lost regular status at least once a week.


If a forum user has reached level 3, and has lost it only due to the visitation or viewing/reading requirements (ie: not flagged requirements) then they can ping a Mod to have thier level 3 status reinstated. It shows us in the backend the highest trust level a user has gained.



I can vouch for this. The mod can also tell you what you lost regular for. i.e. when it happened to me recently (a few months ago) I wanted to just see the topics I created. - shawn msgd me and said “you only need to like 3 more posts and you get it back”, so I did and I did get it back

2 hrs later I get a message from sonya saying “It shows that you are a regular to me, but if you are still having problems I can fix it”

Im paraphrasing them. they are not direct quotes but along those lines.

The problem, as I see it, with having more “private spaces” is it might discourage public discourse and engagement in the wider community by the older more knowledgeable members.