The Global Ambassador Program

November highlights of each Ambassador’s work

If you wish to expand on the information shared here, please write a DM to the Ambassador(s) or ask in this forum post by tagging the Ambassador(s).

Thank you for your support of the Global Ambassador Program!


Manages the X, Kakao Talk, Zcash Community Blog accounts for the Korean community. Collaborate with a Community Manager to manage the Korean community: Zelkova. Conducted an event for the community titled Zcash Event for Zodler. This event increased the Korean community’s interest in Zcash and increased the number of followers on X.


Talked with Youtubers about Zcash getting a positive and fruitful conversation. Kept the Italian blog up to date and started adding useful pages. Updated Translated ZecWeekly from ZecHub and published it in the Italian Substack. Managed the Zcash AI account on X.


The Zcash team in Nigeria engaged in a series of strategic
activities to enhance the presence and adoption of Zcash within the country. These initiatives encompassed X management and engagement, a highly successful
meetup event in a Nigerian university with over 90 participants, and a crucial discussion call with a key figure from Roqqu, a widely used cryptocurrency app in Nigeria boasting over 1 million users. The focus of the conversation was centered around the potential integration and listing of the Zcash token on the Roqqu platform.


Hosted an online meetup with the Zcash Book Club (they review the book American Shaolin). Maintained the online directory of places users can Pay With Zcash. Maintained the online store with Zcash branded merchandise. Added ambassador events to the events page. Wrote a blog post, “Wabi Sabi”. Maintained the X account.


New videos with Russian voice acting. Prepared russification files for the Nighthawk Wallet. New articles on ProZcash Blog. Expanded versions of ZecWeekly.


She hosted a Crypto and Privacy 101 meetup. The talk was fundamental, let a lot of crypto experts still came. The conversation was very open and people from the group shared their expertise. She finished the meetup by doing an interactive game. At the end, she gave everyone $10 in ZEC so that they could start their journey if they hadn’t already. she gave some attendees more for a bonus question in the presentation. More info on Madison X account.


He completed a major step for The Zebra Lounge by doing a 20 hour course which is a pre-requisite to getting the venue licensed meetups, zcash events and the future zec powered businesses he envision hosting He also now maintain two active X accounts (ZecMec -; The Zebra Lounge - as well as daily contributions on Zcash Telegram.New YouTube channel: The Zebra Lounge.


He held his first meeting to discuss Zcash with his coworkers. Conducted some Zcash wallet tests and actively participated in X.


Managed the account in X, and the community in Telegram and Discord of Zcash en Español. Conducted 4 virtual meetups. Translation of ECC and ZF articles. As every month, organized challenges on X-Hacker and Zemes to boost Zcash in the Hispanic community.


Great team, amazing work!

Keep doing! :muscle:

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December highlights of each Ambassador’s work.

If you wish to expand on the information shared here, please write a DM to the Ambassador(s) or ask in this forum post by tagging the Ambassador(s).

Thank you for your support of the Global Ambassador Program!

@AidenZ: maintains his X Ambassador account, the blog and the Zcash Korea community. He translated several ECC articles into Korean and worked closely with the Community Manager of the Zcash Korea community.

@_eric: maintains the PayWithZcash account at X, the PayWithZcash website and the Zecmart website. At the December Zcash Book Club reading they read “Ancient Trees” by Beth Moon. Sadly, Eric announced his retirement from the Global Ambassador Program. We thank him for all his effort and dedicated work for the Zcash community from the GAP. We wish him much success in all his projects! Eric committed to continue to maintain the PayWithZcash and Zecmart websites.

@Olek: maintains his X Ambassador account and Zcash AI account. He also moderates the Zcash Italy group on Telegram and in December he had the opportunity to promote Zcash in different Italian crypto communities such as X Spaces and cryptocurrency groups on Facebook. He published a video about Zebra on ZecHub’s YouTube channel. Translated into Italian several ECC articles and the December issues of ZecHub’s ZecWeekly. Translated into Italian the ZURE survey.

@ZecMec: maintains his X Ambassador account and The Zebra Lounge account. He posted a video on his YouTube channel “All I want for Christmas is ZEC”. Obtained permission to hold events at The Zebra Lounge venue and has been making final arrangements to launch the first event in January 2024. He is an active member in the Zcash community on Telegram.

@madisonedge: published several posts about Zcash from her X account. Held a meetup at Edge headquarters to screen the movie “V for Vendetta”. Promoted the ZURE survey.

@lisa001: keeps the Zcash Nigeria account at X. Organized a meetup together with a Zcash advocate. Helped create the Zcash Uganda community.

@artkor: maintains an account as an Ambassador on X. Dubbed videos of Zcash events into Russian. Translated and wrote several articles for the Zcash Russia blog. Translated into Russian and adapted for the Russian community the December issues of ZecHub’s ZecWeekly.

@tim_ukrainian: maintains his X Ambassador account. He translated into French the December issues of Zechub’s ZecWeekly. Engaging in person-to-person discussions about Zcash and privacy with everyone who wants to talk about blockchain.

@yoditar: maintains the Zcash account in Spanish on X. Held 4 meetups on Telegram and Discord. Translated several ECC articles. Performed several activities as X-Hacker and Zemes to promote Zcash on X and the use of ZEC in the Spanish community. Moderates, supports and builds the Spanish Zcash community on X, Telegram and Discord.


Hello, are you planning to include people from different countries in the ambassador program?
I live in Turkey and I would like to be involved in the ambassador program.
Create and manage Telegram community for ZCash, Create and manage social media account and create daily content.
Creating Youtube videos
I can take actions like organizing 1 AMA event every month.
Crypto usage is very popular in Turkey. You can easily see this when you look at the statistics. Please contact me if you want to talk about this topic :slight_smile: Thank you very much


Hello everyone, I have read the topic in detail and I am ready to submit my application!
My name is Ahmet, I live in Turkey and I am 30 years old. I got acquainted with cryptocurrencies in 2019 and have been actively studying them.
First of all, I should point out that I use English with translation, so if this is a problem, please let me know.
Why do I want to participate in the Ambassador Program?

  • I am knowledgeable and curious about crypto. I spend most of my day on the computer. Turkey is among the top 10 countries in crypto usage and it is a really big market.
    However, when I did some research, I realized that the awareness of Z Cash in Turkey is at a very low level. I believe that with my skills and determination to work, I will improve the level of awareness of Z Cash in Turkey.

What I offer ?

  • Create social media accounts for Z Cash (Twitter, Tiktok,İnstagram)
    Daily regular posts for social media accounts (video and visuals)
  • Z Cash Youtube Channel
    I will produce 1 video per week (longer than 5 minutes) to introduce Z Cash technology to the public. In the video, I will include all the technical details about the project while maintaining the brand value with design and visuals.
  • Establish and develop a Telegram group
    I will create a telegram group from scratch and get new people to join the group through social media posts.
  • I will organize an AMA event at least once a month, I will also organize events in real life after I create a community in the region where I live (Istanbul))
    -I will organize and take responsibility for all activities of the Z Cash project in Turkey.

I will provide you with weekly reports of all actions taken for the Turkish community. I will take the initiative to drive organic growth and take the Z Cash community to the next level.

All my initiatives and activities will be aimed at protecting and enhancing the brand value of the project.

Program Guidelines

The Global Ambassador Program is designed to identify and reward community members who make high-quality contributions to the Zcash community. Ambassadors actively engage with the public in an effort to grow the Zcash community, drive user adoption, educate people on Zcash’s use cases, and advance awareness of Zcash’s privacy-preserving technology across global geographic regions. Ambassadors are eligible to receive a monthly stipend of $1,000 USD (paid in ZEC) for their service. Our goal is for the program to be relatively flexible, and for Ambassadors to have creative freedom over the activities they plan.

If my application is accepted, I will claim 50% of the ambassador allowance for the first month to prove myself and become part of the Z Cash community.
I will use 15% of the 50% allowance I receive to develop and advance the community (I will provide full details of the 15% spending)

My only disadvantage is that I don’t speak English, but with translation I can solve every problem and contribute to the growth of Z Cash Turkey. I will prove it if you give me a chance.

Thank you. :slight_smile:


Congratulations to the entire team of Ambassadors!

You do a great job, and a very, very difficult one. It’s not easy to grow niche communities, like Zcash is. It’s slow work, but little by little it pays off.


Shout-out to all the Zcash ambassadors :clap:.

Just wanted to say well done. We appreciate your consistency and dedication to Zcash.

I have a Russian friend who speaks English well but prefers to research and learn about crypto in Russian. He was all in on stablecoins and everything that revolved around the topic of stablecoins, but months of regular discussions I finally managed to get him to look into Zcash. @artkor your dubbed videos of Zcash events into Russian on YouTube were a great resource for him, thank you :pray:.


Thank you! Very glad to know that. I’m subscribed to all the community channels and I can see that the audience of our channels is growing. These people are interested in privacy, and are constantly asking interesting questions. I love doing this work.


YouTube is by faaaaaaaaaaar the best platform to raise awareness about Zcash. That’s where I first went to learn about Bitcoin, that’s where I first went to learn about Altcoins, and that’s where I discovered Zcash.

Now that I’m thinking about it, most of my friends, family, and work colleagues who got into crypto all started their journey on YouTube and spent a considerable amount of time learning there and there only (6 months or more). Later on once they felt confident, only then they moved onto Twitter and forums etc.


Hi Ahmet! Turkey is a unique and beautiful country. I love it with all my soul. I’m very glad you wrote your proposal. I don’t make any decisions, but I will definitely contribute my five cents, because I am familiar with what you write.

Turkey is a huge cryptocurrency market. This is because the lira has been losing half of its value every year for the past few years and this trend is accelerating. Although citizens can freely buy euros and dollars in the country, cryptocurrencies are also a popular investment.

Points where you can exchange cryptocurrency exist in every quarter of any major city. They are even in major shopping centers. And all this legally exists despite the attempts of banning, which we could know about from the media after the big scam with the popular Turkish Exchange. There is no ban. On the contrary, President Erdogan’s government plans to issue regulations in the next two years. Gemini and Coinbase operate in Turkey, both of which host ZEC. Unfortunately, ZEC is not on the radar in Turkey, for example, it is not on Binance, which is the largest exchange in Turkey if I am not mistaken. It is also not on exchanges, although there is Litecoin for example or Bitcoin Cash. I think the presence of an ambassador in Turkey will go a long way in expanding the community. Also because the Turkish mentality is special. People in Turkey trust each other in live communication, they are enterprising and like to invest in their future.


Hello, Thank you very much for your valuable comments. You are right in what you say there is no crypto ban in Turkey. In addition, everything will be better with the Crypto law in 2024. Due to economic conditions, the Turkish lira has lost value against the dollar. That’s why people invest in Dollar, gold and crypto. Turks are very warm-blooded and love interaction. I hope I can do the ambassador duty and prove it :slight_smile:


Important Update on the Global Ambassador Program

Zcash Community Grants (ZCG) has an important update to share regarding the Global Ambassador Program. Due to the current market downturn and its impact on the price of ZEC, the ZCG committee has had to reassess its budget and funding priorities. Consequently, we have made the tough decision to temporarily suspend all non-essential programs, including the Global Ambassador Program, effective immediately.

Please understand that this decision is based solely on financial considerations and does not reflect our opinion of the ambassadors or the overall success of the program.

We want to acknowledge and express our gratitude for the work our ambassadors have done. Their passion and energy have been instrumental in community building, user outreach, and education within the Zcash ecosystem. We truly appreciate their commitment to these initiatives over the past two years.

We remain hopeful about the program’s future and plan to revisit this decision when market conditions improve and stabilize. In the meantime, we hope the ambassadors will remain active members of the Zcash community.

Thank you,

Zcash Community Grants


Oh, wow. As luck would have it, the Embassy program was stopped just as I was applying :)! Will continue when better days come :slight_smile:


I am deeply sorry to hear about the suspension of the GAP. We were hoping this year to start a third cycle with new projects to help in building the global Zcash communities. However, I understand the reasons, and thank you to ZCG and ZF for your support throughout these two years. Thank you also for your trust in allowing me to be Head of the GAP. I hope that at some point the program can be resumed, and we can continue the work we have been doing.

Despite this, I will continue to be active in the Zcash community to support Hispanics and all those who need access to financial privacy with Zcash.

It has been a pleasure working with all of the Ambassadors. Thank you for your hard work, for your support of GAP and Zcash. I am honored to have been a part of this team and look forward to our continued collaboration together in promoting financial privacy with Zcash.


What bad news!

I fully understand the reasons @aquietinvestor argues for the ZCG decision.

But personally I feel it’s a setback for Zcash. It’s already hard work to build communities, organize events and create teams of collaborators committed to spread and teach Zcash…

Perhaps it would have been interesting to evaluate reducing the payment to ambassadors… but to stop it completely? I don’t know… I feel that those of us who are still active will be the ones who are truly in Zcash for passion and conviction, more than for money… although money is important and necessary, we know that.


Thanks to all the ambassadors. I think the program has been a big success and love seeing Zcash spread all over the world.

We at Zcash Brazil want to support you in all aspects, design, and anything you need, we are here!

Difficult times, but I believe they will pass, and all the people at Zcash will turn things around.


You can be sure that we will provide whatever support we can to continue our operations, together we can move forward



Are yall planning on reactivating the Ambassador program? That’d be cool (sry, slightly off topic)


we need to keep the funding to the protocol, if we are going back to pay these ambassadors again i am going to freak out.

paying them was one of the worst things in the history of zcash funding, most of them added no value to ZEC and it left a bad taste in the community.

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