Every time I try to change the payment address in the ‘account details’ form it return this message: “Failed to update your account: Failed to update your account”. I’ve already tried a different zcash wallet but got the same response.
Have you try with a t-address or z-address? As far I know you can only enter a t-address.
Both wallets I tried were t-address. And if I type anything different then a t-address it return a messege saing that it’s an invalid coin address. Might be the problem in another field?
Just tried leaving the Payment Address field blank and it updated successfully, but I still can’t change the address
I have the same issue, in order to fix this you need a new zcash address…
I had to create a wallet under linux, I was using the mobile wallet. Don’t know if the problem is the wallet provider or if it’s just a glitch
This issue can be resolved only suprnova team will investigate this issue.
I sent an email to them but no answer …
maybe you have used the Anonymous mining with the t-address that you want to fill the payment address.
please change another t-address