I have just started mining on Xubuntu following the instructions from…
Home · zcash/zcash Wiki · GitHub and
Home · zcash/zcash Wiki · GitHub, and using the equihashsolver=tromp solver.
It all seems to have gone smoothly and was very easy to set-up and I am now running node at ~8 Sol/s CPU mining.
I have 2 questions.
1 - is ~8 Sol/s a decent rate, will it ever solve a block? Is it worth me running a node beyond purely contributing to the network for the fun of it?
2 - Where can I find the public and private keys to my address for the block reward? if I do magically find a block what address will the reward go to and how do I access it?
Cheers Muchly for any help.
1 - unlikely- on average you are talking many months on average to mine a block assuming current difficulty (though you might get lucky)
2 - run listtransactions
- do you see anything in there 
Edited to add you could try pool mining and get a small but steady reward.
If you just want zcash-cli to spit out the first address (?) in your wallet:
zcash-cli getaccountaddress “”
Thanks for the responses,
1 - listtransactions returns an empty list.
2 - getaccountaddress returns
"error: {“code”:-1,“message”:"getaccountaddress "account"\n\nDEPRECATED. Returns the current Zcash address for receiving payments to this account.\n\nArguments:\n1. "account" (string, required) MUST be set to the empty string "" to represent the default account. Passing any other string will result in an error.\n\nResult:\n"zcashaddress" (string) The account zcash address\n\nExamples:\n> zcash-cli getaccountaddress \n> zcash-cli getaccountaddress ""\n> zcash-cli getaccountaddress "myaccount"\n> curl --user myusername --data-binary ‘{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getaccountaddress", "params": ["myaccount"] }’ -H ‘content-type: text/plain;’\n"}"
So can someone tell me is that looks okay?, the fact that it starts with error and that i see no address tells me not. any thoughts?