@phakov mentioned encryption on another thread
I encyrpted the wallet.dat with 7zip, it just requires extraction before and re encryption when your done (wont read while encrypted)
Some windows versions have EFS which may allow this but dont know
Download 7zip
Rigth click the file
Select 7zip>add to archive
Enter password (there are other options as well)
The file is small so only takes a few seconds
To open
Right click file
Select open archive>7z
Right click file
Select open and enter password
Copy and paste this file into the roaming folder if not already there (best i could come up with for now)
Edit- the wallet.7z file (the encrypted file) CAN remain in the roaming folder without affecting normal function, so
When you close the wallet you can
Encrypt wallet.dat to get a wallet.7z file
Then delete wallet.dat (or move it somewhere if you’re not sure at first, remember it goes to the trash can if deleted normally, I think there’s an option to automatically delete it after encryption) and leave the encrypted file in place
Then before you open the wallet,
extract and place into the roaming folder
(Maybe excryprt is the word!)