as the title says I would like to know the current state of z wallet implementations for hardware wallets like ledger or trezor.
Where can I follow the progress of that specific feature and if not, what timeline is to expect on this. Or maybe it is already possible and I was just blind, sorry for that if that’s the case.
Hanh was waiting for Zondax to action his Github request so he could work on integrating Ledger support.
Jack mentioned in last Arborist call that Zcash foundation were following up/working with Zondax on Ledger integration
Your best bet is to look at the grant platform or sneak around twitter and github. Currently the Ledger implementation is not a priority of anyone. Regarding the timeline, don’t expect too much too soon. Honestly, 'cause nobody knows.
Edit: I was referring to the whole thread in the link, not specific conservation by anyone there.