I wish Bitmain had actually enforced limit-sales of miners and didn’t lift that amount over time.
Which pools are you guys using with the Z9?
It appears that Antpool is the only one that allows for simple configuration
Anyone else using Nano or Fly pool with the Antminer. If so, how did you configure the URL/Worker details
I am using Flypool and it was simple to configure. url:port (us1 -zcash.flypool.org:3333) and worker.rigname.
What do you mean by simple configuration? You only need to configure URL and username to connect to our pool. And I suppose it would be similarly easy elsewhere.
It looks that Bitmain has blocked the overclocking possibility for the late August Batch (2) of the Z9 Mini.
Did you watch the whole video.
Sure, did you? There must be a “fix” for the FW though.
This video has been shown to be FUD and not true
Got that, can you please share the source of your claim?
I’m using Mining Pool Hub (MPH). Mining on port 17023 for the three eligble equihash coins. Auto-exchange to ZEC. It seems to get a little more ZEC compared to mine ZEC directly.
Got my Z9 mini today. Currently mining on Flypool.
I’m using a stand fan for extra cooling, a 700W Zalman PSU for powering, and it’s not loud at all, just as loud as a normal stand fan on maximum setting.
are you overclocking it?*
*Or rather: why arn’t you overclocking it?
Never been a fan of overclocking, better safe than sorry. Also the repair warrenty becomes invalid if you overclock the miner.
@local_miner can you show us the “advanced settings” tab and the drop down menu?
Is it overclockable in the settings? That’s what all of today’s speculation has been about. Please post a screenshot of the pulldown menu on “miner configuration” → “advanced settings”.
I remember that it shows the Frequency on the “advanced settings” menu, pretty sure you can overclock it. I can’t take a screenshot right now, I’m at work.
Just read on bitcointalk that US clients will have to pay 25% import fee …
If you read more posts youll see that some people have, some people haven’t. Depending on date, shipper, customs agent, entry port, etc.
Sounds like we have a tariff roulette wheel.
When I have used UPS I get hit with the import fee, when I use DHS I do not
I used UPS on my first order and DHL for my second. Mine has not been shipped yet, so I’ll find out soon.