ZCASH.CLOUD - PPLNS Mining Pool - 0% Fee - CLOSED! -

Hello Miners!
we are proud to announce the launch of ZCASH.CLOUD https://zcash.cloud solo mining Reward Pool, based on a eXtremal-ik7 open source code ( thank you ).

We have work on it to extend present features and future features (example: automatic mail if there are problems with workers, fix t address with public IP, support the (old) OptiminierZcash stratum and newest miner software - we work on our miner :wink: - sell cloud server etcā€¦ etcā€¦ )

Remember, with ZCASH.CLOUD pool you get 100% of the block reward for being the miner that finds the winning solution, no shares here!


  • Anti DDOS support with HIDS system
  • Anonymous mining, (all datas are encrypted with SHA1 and AES)
  • PPLNS payout scheme
  • We pay all Mining rewards (Blocks & Fees)
  • Accurate hashrate reporting
  • Multiple country location (soon)
  • Customizable minimum payment threshold (Standard: 0.01 ZEC, Maximum: 10 ZEC)
  • Full stratum support
  • Efficient mining engine
  • Detailed global and per-worker statistics
  • Pool fee 0%

How to connect
Connect: zcash.cloud:6666
Server Location: EU (soon we open other location after beta test )
Instructions here

Please let us know if there are problems and help us to find first block rewardā€¦

Goodluck and ā€¦


Support team

UPDATE : 01/12/2016

We have insert 2 new features:

  • a realtime graph to monitor pool hashrate
  • we have insert a hashrate/hours block reward to calculate how hours are necessary to find a block in according with Zcash global parameters and zcash.cloud realtime pool hashrate


UPDATE 02/12/2016
Fri Dec 02 2016 07:56:58 GMT+0100 (CET)

Paid 580ā‚¬ ! :sunglasses:

We working on a great new function call ā€œpool danceā€ predictive function used to determinate when poll is paying ā€¦
Stay tune


I can confirm that I found the first blockā€¦ Everything looks legit, even though I have not gotten payed for it. It took just 5 hours and a half with 27 rx 470 4gb gpus (around 4800sol/s). I think I was really lucky.

Will report back when I get payment. Mr. zcashcloud please donā€™t forget to pay for the first block found on your pool :slight_smile:

I can confirm I got payed 1.67444247 ZECā€¦ for finding 1 block. How exactly is that solo mining ? I should get 10 zec or nothing. Until the owner can come with a good explanation AND the rest of my ZEC, I am calling this either a scam or very buggy pool software we should be beta testing for him.

I think we should inspect the code before calling anyone a scam and with my experience running eXtremal pool software has been very stable.

They could have done something wrong with the payment around here poolcore/src/poolcore/accounting.cpp at master Ā· Zogpool/poolcore Ā· GitHub

I did a simple hack here on www.luckpool.org that just negates the shares collected and rewards 100% of the block

if(strcmp(I->userId.c_str(), share->userId()->c_str()) == 0)

@zcashcloud you base your pool on open source software. Can we see your codebase to see where you went wrong.

Also @voidwalkerz9 You only received 16% of the block reward with > 50% of the pools hash rate. You should have picked up ~ half of the block if the pool was running the default eXtremal code.

sounds scammish , be careful guys

I should have picked the full block reward for finding the block, not 50%? Or is there something iā€™m missing?
I didnā€™t call anyone a scammer, I just raised some suspicionsā€¦ I donā€™t really believe itā€™s a scam, but waiting to hear from the owner.

No you are correct. From what I see the pool is advertised as solo mining rewards

Hi voidwalkerz9, sorry for this inconvenience with the payment, donā€™t worry iā€™m here and i answered you via e-mail

Yesterday I had to solve various problems and have worked in different integrations.
Thank you voxelot, my problems was on collected share!

voidwalkerz9 to show you that it is not a scam and this pool itā€™s transparent and reliable ( and that it was simply a programming error in beta test ) , I will send the difference of block, ( i will send you an email with txid information ).

I will change this pool to PPNLS and not a SOLO mining since i will fix errors.

Thank you,

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Hi voidwalkerz9 as i promise, i send you payment (please read email with txid), and **please confirm that you have received 8.32555753 ZEC **

This pool is trusted, safe and reliable, and i hope you appreciate it.
I officially modified pool in PPLNS MINING POOL with 0% fee ( i will modify first post and description)

The another feature is ā€œgraph shareā€, you will see the total number of share sended to pool in your wallet page, i will finish it in the next few days.

Stay tuneā€¦


I received the rest of the zec. Cool guy indeed. Too bad the pool wonā€™t go anywhere with PPLNS 1%.
The solo mining feature was the only interesting feature. Unfortunately I will withdraw my miner from here until it goes solo 0% again. I think I will make my own private mining pool.

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Yeh thatā€™s disappointing I was interested in that feature also! seems parting with that whole zcash to you was harder than they thought lol private pool with 5 miners all with same hash rate could be a good idea and share rewards for blocks found, have not done any calculations yet but might work out better

My solo mining pool www.luckpool.org has been and is still running smooth if anyone wants to try out solo rewards until more pools start offering features like this.

Yeh was having a look,just adding more rigs to make solo mining more attractive for me will be my first choice

But also we should support this pool too. I personally really like the work you have done with the frontend here @zcashcloud . I donā€™t want to take any hashing away from this pool and itā€™s a good idea to have many pools to keep mining decentralized.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like some support from zogpool.


Let me introduce ā€œPool Danceā€ā€¦

Pool Dance itā€™s a predictive function to determinate when pool found a zec block in %.
Using a progess bar, pool show when we will found a block in according with more parameters in constantly changing.

I hope it will be useful


Add new features

  • calculate total shares pool
  • diff total shares pool and total shares required for last block found ( determinate if block is luck )
  • avg global shares zcash in the last 24 hours
  • calculate total zcash block in the last 24 hours
  • improve nginx stability
  • automatic agents scripts that works in realtime to prevent stops or problems ( no cronjob but real time )
  • leveldb node.js parse

Comments and suggestions are welcome

Due to poor use of the zcash.cloud pool, we have decided to shut down the servers ā€¦

ZCASH.CLOUD officially closed

We will support other coins