WOW that was much easier than I thought it would be to get set-up and running!
@mtve - you are my new hero! Do you have your own donation address? Guessing the t mining address for your site in the OP is OK? Cheers! …
" Welcome to the ‘Zcash on Tor’ Servers Project - javascript (WebAssembly) miner - Auto CPU Donation Page ! "
" By keeping this web page open in your browser (Google Chrome is recommended) you will be contributing some CPU mining power towards the Zcash network and therefore donating a small amount of ZEC to the Zcash on Tor Servers Project;
Whilst a number of Zcash on Tor servers are already online - we still require community donnations to help maintain and expand the project! You can find a list of existing servers and set-up instructions here;
Every 0.00000001 ZEC mined really does helps us a lot! 100% of donations go directly towards our projects servers. Thank you! "