ZCash Mining Calculator with Live Data and Responsive Profit Graph

Hello Everyone,

I was a bit annoyed with the existing ZCash Mining Calculators because they often use old data and they work terribly on a phone or a table. So I built a mobile-friendly calculator with a responsive profitability graph.

Recently I just gave the calculator’s back-end a massive overhaul:

The calculator’s back-end streams price and network statistics live and pushes the data to the calculator whenever there is a change, so you know the data is always fresh, no need to refresh the page!

Please have a look and tell me what you think:


Suggestions welcome,


1 Like

looking good :slight_smile:



Fantastic checked out mining calculations and love the work you have done thanks @bchydro

Good stuff. What I would also like to see is a quick conversion calculator ZEC > USD calculator. Have one of those?

Awesome calculator!
One thing this calculator has that I love that others don’t is a future difficulty change estimate! Very cool.

One thing I’d like to see is a number that let’s me know how long my Sol/s would take if solo mining.
Like this calc:

Days to generate one block mining solo: 15044.82 Day(s) (can vary greatly depending on your luck)
Days to generate one BTC: 20980.14 Day(s) (can vary greatly depending on the current exchange rates)
Days to break even: N/A (can vary greatly depending on the current exchange rates)

The other awesome feature in your calc is the live difficulty updating. Thanks for the great calculator!

Thanks a lot. Hmmm no I haven’t got that, but would be very easy to throw together.

I’ll see if I can’t make one quickly this week. I’ll send you a message when its done

That’s a really great idea. I just need to find a way to incorporate that without making the layout look too complex. Thanks for that

Whowww, what a nice little tool you created.
Any way you can add BTC among the payout currency ?
Also , how is the diff change calculated, and how about making the range (month) field customizable as well ?
Keep up the good work,