We do not disconnect anymore when a miner submits an invalid solution. This caused too much trouble with the currently available miners as they were not able properly recover from the disconnect.
Letting .2 run in .3 noticeably increased hash rate in some of my rigs, and halved it it in others (over 15 minutes).
mmm… then what is this error I’m having all the time:
19:57:48 pool : submitted and accepted
19:57:52 main : zec-sa#0: 28.0S/s total: 28.0S/s
19:57:57 main : zec-sa#0: 31.0S/s total: 31.0S/s
19:58:02 main : zec-sa#0: 36.8S/s total: 36.8S/s
19:58:07 main : zec-sa#0: 33.0S/s total: 33.0S/s
19:58:11 gpu#0: submitting solution
19:58:11 pool : not accepted: Stale job! (21)
19:58:11 pool : Retrying in 5 seconds…
19:58:12 main : zec-sa#0: 31.6S/s total: 31.6S/s
19:58:14 gpu#0: submitting solution
zec-sa#0write: El identificador de archivo proporcionado no es valido
19:58:14 gpu#0: Mining thread quit
And another one in 5 min…
20:03:20 gpu#0: submitting solution
20:03:20 pool : received new job #8d9c465d9e5cae567291
20:03:21 pool : not accepted: Stale job! (21)
20:03:21 pool : Retrying in 5 seconds…
20:03:21 main : zec-sa#0: 29.2S/s total: 29.2S/s
20:03:22 gpu#0: submitting solution
zec-sa#0write: El identificador de archivo proporcionado no es vßlido
20:03:22 gpu#0: Mining thread quit
20:03:26 pool : Connecting to cn1-zcash.flypool.org:3333
20:03:26 main : zec-sa#0: 5.2S/s total: 5.2S/s
20:03:27 pool : Connected!
20:03:28 pool : subscribed
20:03:28 pool : received new target: 0x0083126e978d4f…
20:03:29 pool : received new job #633cce60a96efcd6758c
20:03:31 main : 0.0S/s detected! Attempting to restart gpu#0
20:03:31 main : zec-sa#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
20:03:36 main : zec-sa#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
20:03:41 main : zec-sa#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
20:03:46 main : zec-sa#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
I am not sure why your miner is reconnecting to the pool after a stale job but the pool is definitely not terminating the connection. Also the miner seems to be resubmitting stale/invalid solutions. The pool is definitely distributing work (received new job…). Which miner is this?
Tried all of them…
Now using new genoil 0.6 , but same with 0.5.
This is my config.:
genoil.exe -c eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -u t1XSKkVJyCPQESkFwxeKCb89FZFWYENaUW4.PCMEU_R9 Genoil.SilentArmy -p z -i 20 -w 64 -P 0
Any ideas? this is geting me mad ^^
Have another rig with 3 Gpu and randomly crashing 1 gpu so its impossible to keep it mining this way
Also… trying for 30 min on nanopool and seems working good. Not any error past 30 mins…
Some miners are reporting the same issues with nano, see: Genoil's ZEC Miner - #2201 by Ursul0
Stale shares will always happen from time to time and the mining software should handle them properly.
why there is genoil.silentarmy in YOUR string?
All my rigs have been running solid since your last update on the pool on Genoil 4.1, so i don’t see a need to change anything
funny, but after trying 0.5 and 0.6, 0.4.1 does not even start for me (even after removing bins)
Ive tested the new versions on one rig and it made no difference, so just leaving all the other on the current version.
I agree. I switched Genoil 0.6, but it gave “The file handle supplied is not valid” error and made 0 S/s so often. After switching back to 0.4.2, it didn’t happen so far.
You can use nheqminer 0.3a from nanopool to mine on flypool
Really ? Can you tell me how to use it ?
Genoil 0.6 is working with some modifications… I bought it from some dude and it was stable for whole night…
what dude is that, id like to buy that mod if its afordable
Nano pool seems to payout les and alot slower , also i see less submitted shares than flypool
currently i have half my rigs on each pool testing things
Download https://github.com/nanopool/nheqminer/releases/download/0.3a-any-pool/nheqminer_0.3a_nanopool.zip
and use as usual, example nheqminer -l us1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -u your_address