Zecwallet lite with Nu6 + zip317 support

Hello friends, how you doing today?
So, I noticed that recently many old zcash users are having some trouble recovering their funds from Zecwallet lite.
I know recently, the user @emersonian released a zecwallet-lite fix with working servers and high transaction fee.

But now with the Nu6 activation, I believe even his version is outdated.

The user @Edicksonjga invited me to a group discussion about recovering ZECs from ZecWallet, and since I have a good experience with zecwallet codebase, I decided to do some more fixes and updates.

Backend fixes:

  • Support for Nu6 branch id / tx version.
  • A naive implementation of proportional fees (zip317).
  • Minor changes on grpc connector.
  • Some UAs causes the lib to panic (unwrap on None), so I added an error handling code.

Frontend fixes:

  • Fixed “Export all private keys” menu item (sapling and transparent, no orchard)
  • A small synchronization logic change.
  • Added a field on recovery screen, that allow the user to determine how many addresses to generate before synching.


If the user has a zecwallet-light-wallet.dat file, the wallet will start the sync process:

If the user wants to recover a wallet, now they can inform the number of addresses to recover:

Example of a successful transaction:

Export private keys screen was fixed, displaying private key and address:

Drawbacks and issues

  • Naive zip317
    • While the code works, the implementaion is solely based on number of input and output notes.
    • Since we don’t know the fee before selecting the notes, the front-end doesn’t display the fee to the user. The fee will be automatically deduced from the sent amount.
    • I don’t have time, incentive, or even the knowledge to do a proper implementation.
  • gRPC fails
    • Sometimes, specially with large number of addresses, the grpc connector will fail, making the sync process even slower.

Even though every test I did (send sapling, send orchard, send multiple notes, send mixed notes, send with change, send all) worked, I cannot guarantee it will work for everyone.

Source code

The source code is available here: GitHub - james-katz/zecwallet-lite-nu6

I still don’t know if i’m going to release binary / executable files, even though I have some degree of trust by the community, I don’t want to encourage anyone to download random wallets they find online, promising to “recover your funds”. This could be a bad precedence.

But I’ll be more than glad to discuss the code, for anyone who wants to understand what I did, and help compile the code from source, if anyone has any interest in this project.

If anything, I just learned a lot about Rust and librustzcash (though a pretty old version).

That’s all, bye :upside_down_face:


Outstanding! Thank you :heart_eyes: :zebra: :+1: :student:


Thanks for your hard work @james_katz !


James, I’m very happy to see what you’ve achieved with your work, and it’s gratifying to see your development over the years we’ve been in the community, congratulations.


Great work @james_katz :clap:t2:


im calling u now the brazilian hanh (wizard)


This is great. It’s interesting to see somewhat-working Zecwallet forks emerging from being a zombie project.

Do you think that it would make sense for Zecwallet Lite to get maintained again in a more official capacity or is it a lost cause for some reason?

See the recent Zondax fork of Zecwallet Lite, unfortunately the only way to use the new Ledger support for shielded Zcash:

@ainhoa-zondax - Does the Zondax fork fix the same things as the @james_katz fork? Does Zondax intend to maintain its fork for a period of time?

There could be community support for keeping that going, and enough of us familiar enough to keep the pull requests coming upon major upgrades.

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As far as I can tell, they also fixed the Nu6 branch id and proportional fees.

In my personal opinion, ZecWallet shouldn’t be revived and maintained, there are much better options nowadays like Zingo, which is, IMO, a spiritual successor of ZecWallet.

But I have a good understanding of ZecWallet lite’s source code, if it’s going to be a thing, I’ll be really happy to help.


Would be nice if we could get the Zecwallet website to notify users of the issues and point to your updated version.

CC @adityapk00

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@Shawn He has posted anything in a long time

zingo-pc is a fork of zecwallet-lite that has been working “the whole time”.

I believe that ( and @Juanky or @Edicksonjga will correct me if I am wrong ) it fully supports NU6 and ZIP317.


I’d really love to get you more actively/directly involved with zingo-pc.


That’s right, it supports ZIP320, 317 and NU6.