Zecwallet-lite with working servers

Zecwallet-lite is deprecated but some people still have ZEC stored in it.

Here’s a quick build which points to the zec.rocks servers so that it can start. This build also includes transaction fees so that funds can be sent.

Please note that zecwallet is deprecated, this is provided with no guarantees, and I will not be able to provide support for this build. Use it at your own risk. That being said, I hope that it helps someone else out there!

Shoutout to the Zingo team for raising this need to my attention.

Also a shoutout to @james_katz for this helpful guide.


Hi, I haven’t looked at my wallet for a long time, but now I can’t withdraw coins. I have a file wallet.dat

I believe wallet.dat files are related to zcash full node, not Zecwallet lite.
Maybe this topic is more relevant for your issue: Restore old 2018/19 Wallet.dat with Zcash Node

But if you’re refering to the file zecwallet-light-wallet.dat, maybe you can use this zecwallet-lite version: Zecwallet lite with Nu6 + zip317 support

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