Adding more GPU makes the system see less GPU's

Hi everyone

Need a bit of help :slight_smile:

So i decided to upgrade my 4 gpu rig to 6 gpu rig,
My 4 gpu rig consist of:

1000 w PSU, 4 evga gtx 1070 sc 8 gb and Z170A gaming pro carbon motheboard.

I though - alright, I have 4 gpus on 1000 w, so let me add 2 more EVGA gpus and connect them to 550w, and use a splitter and verything will be great.

So everything just came with the post lady and I added the 550w PSU, connected them with the spiltter and added to 2 gpu’s to the new PSU and started up.

I saw 6 gpu’s and windows told me there where no resources for the 2 new ones.
Hmmm - rebooted and then my system only shows 3 gpus.

Disconnected the new psu and the new gpus, and my system shows 4 gpus again and are happy.

So - whats wrong here ? Did I make a mistake when ordering just a 550 w psu ?
My reasoning was just - hey 4 on 1000 w, then 2 extra on 550 w must be perfect :confused:

Try to uninstall the drivers, check if all the cards appear on the device manager and then reinstall the drivers

Hi Mineall

I thought about that - but in device manager it said that 2 of the cards ( the new ones added to the 550 w psu ) did not have enough resources, My big question is now: is a 550w too small ? :slight_smile:

When I’ve had a card say “Not enough resources”, I’ve found disabling the card and then re-enabling seems to help it out and initialized it.

Hope that helps.

I think the “not enough resources” message is referring to IO memory. Have you enabled 4G decoding in the motherboard bios? You need to do that for this many cards.

thanks alot for your help :slight_smile:
I went in to the bios and deactivated several things, and wupti, all 6 gpus are shown and have resources.

One wierd thing though

5 gpus are working at just about 400 sol/s while the 6th is at 250 sol/s - that is strange right ?

Open GPU Z and see if this 6th card is thermal or power throttling

Can you tell me what to look for ?

They have numbers really similair to each other.

Temperature is not the issue as the highest reported temp is 66 C and the lowest is 57.
All cards shows between 78% and 80 % TDP.

In after burner I have: Core +100, Mem +500 and Power 80%