I’m using zcash4win to receive my ZEC mining efforts. I get this error when starting the program:
I don’t have much in this wallet, but I’d hate to lose it. I have not backed up the key yet (my fault) so I don’t want to uninstall and reinstall the program. I hope someone can help. This error just started all of a sudden and does it every time I try to run it.
TY Shawn - I was able to locate and backup my wallet.dat file. I have successfully installed zcash4win on a 3rd machine, and I have gotten my old wallet into this new installation. I’m d/l’ing the blockchain now. I’d really like to get it sorted on the first PC giving rise to this.
This is a race condition bug when it starts up, usually happens when the blockchain isn’t synced all the way. One the first machine (with the GUI STOPPED!) you can start up the zcash daemon in a PowerShell terminal window with this command:
When its caught up (compare the block height on that screen with the current one at https://zcha.in or https://insight.mercerweiss.com) you can launch the zcash4win GUI, it’ll detect that zcashd.exe is already running and connect to it, and in the future it should launch fine.
Hi i seem to be getting the same problem but when putting it in powershell i get
"c:\Program : The term ‘c:\Program’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable
program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
Nogo. I have tried the original “c:\Program Files\zcash4win\app\zcashd.exe -daemon=0 -showmetrics=1” in powershell and I even changed it to zdashd.exe and I continue to get the same error as stated above.
are you typing the quotation marks? because you shouldn’t be if you are!
also you can try changing to that directory in powershell with the cd command and then running it as .\zcashd.exe -daemon=0 -showmetrics=1
PS C:\Program Files\zcash4win\app> .\zcashd.exe -daemon=0 -showmetrics=1
Before starting zcashd, you need to create a configuration file:
C:\Users\Red Dawn\AppData\Roaming\Zcash\zcash.conf
It can be completely empty! That indicates you are happy with the default
configuration of zcashd. But requiring a configuration file to start ensures
that zcashd won’t accidentally compromise your privacy if there was a default
option you needed to change.
You can look at the example configuration file for suggestions of default
options that you may want to change. It should be in one of these locations,
depending on how you installed Zcash:
It does not like usernames that have a space in them
I didn’t catch that until now, but it is a known issue and we do not have a fix for it yet aside from running the wallet under another user account, which is not optimal, as its a full node and is a lot happier running all the time, or you have to change your homedir/username so that your homedir does not have a space in the username portion of the file path. I’ve done it before, but don’t have the link handy.
Hello, I need help! I miss my wallet.
My computer give me bluescreen when zcash4win is synchronized. When I start him after reboot, I have a critical error EOF reached (code 1). I delete all files except wallet.dat and peers.dat. Zcash4win starts. And when it synchronize I make an export private keys. Then I have a new bluescreen. Do all this steps again (without export private keys). But when zcash4win synchronized to 100% I see new adress in my wallet and don’t see my zcash. In folder zcash at appdata i have wallet.1500527268.bak. File from export private keys I have too. Can you help me?