Hello everyone,
strange things happen with pool and my miners.
Im using EWBF 0.3.4b miner on windows.
Problem - while mining server get disconnect for seconds.
After this connection restored by miner in next few seconds.
But after this miner start receiving jobs with different IDs, miner continue working but pool not get data and short after this report miner disconnected.
Here is log from my Rig 1 (time 00:52, 15.02.2018) port 13333 eu1-zcash.flypool.org
INFO 00:52:31: GPU0 Accepted share 63ms [A:4763, R:13]
INFO: Detected new work: 9ba86aace44f7ef17eea → normal work flypool ID is hexadecimal string
Temp: GPU0 62C GPU1 61C GPU2 61C GPU3 56C
GPU0: 715 Sol/s GPU1: 430 Sol/s GPU2: 435 Sol/s GPU3: 718 Sol/s
Total speed: 2298 Sol/s
INFO: Detected new work: 8bc47a9ed0385a29a818
ERROR: Lost connection with the server. → disconnect occur
INFO: Attempt to restore connection.
INFO: Connection restored, pool:
INFO: Target: 00028f5c00000000…
INFO: Detected new work: 1518489574 → new IDs looks decimal numbers, short after this pool statistics report rig non working, but miner continue hashing, with work IDs 1518xxxx
INFO 00:53:47: GPU3 Accepted share 62ms [A:4772, R:23]
INFO: Detected new work: 1518489575
Temp: GPU0 61C GPU1 60C GPU2 60C GPU3 56C
GPU0: 709 Sol/s GPU1: 432 Sol/s GPU2: 433 Sol/s GPU3: 715 Sol/s
Total speed: 2289 Sol/s
Rig zwin2as (time 00:52, 15.02.2018) port 13333 eu1-zcash.flypool.org
INFO 00:52:32: GPU1 Accepted share 78ms [A:2972, R:11]
INFO 00:52:35: GPU1 Accepted share 78ms [A:2973, R:11]
INFO: Detected new work: 7d04e61082a42bb7876c → again normal ID for flypool (hexadecimal strings)
INFO 00:52:37: GPU2 Accepted share 63ms [A:3020, R:14]
INFO 00:52:38: GPU0 Accepted share 62ms [A:2797, R:10]
INFO 00:52:40: GPU2 Accepted share 78ms [A:3021, R:14]
INFO 00:52:41: GPU4 Accepted share 63ms [A:2994, R:11]
INFO 00:52:50: GPU1 Accepted share 78ms [A:2974, R:11]
INFO 00:52:52: GPU5 Accepted share 62ms [A:2967, R:7]
Temp: GPU0 55C GPU1 50C GPU2 41C GPU3 54C GPU4 50C GPU5 52C GPU6 46C GPU7 58C
GPU0: 451 Sol/s GPU1: 453 Sol/s GPU2: 455 Sol/s GPU3: 451 Sol/s GPU4: 451 Sol/s GPU5: 459 Sol/s GPU6: 449 Sol/s GPU7: 302 Sol/s
Total speed: 3471 Sol/s
ERROR: Lost connection with the server. → disconnect occur
INFO: Attempt to restore connection.
INFO: Connection restored, pool: eu1-zcash.flypool.org:13333.
INFO: Target: 00028f5c00000000…
INFO: Detected new work: 1518489574 → new IDs looks decimal numbers, short after this pool statistics report rig non working, but miner continue hashing
INFO 00:53:26: GPU3 Accepted share 62ms [A:2948, R:11]
This happen for three times every time at night for last 3 days (total more than 24 hours wasted mining). Someone is stole my share rate.
I also attach screenshot with software TCPView - connection established to flypool IP, but you miner receive strange work IDs 1518xxxx
Anyone with similar problem??? Fix??
I also submit support ticket. hope resolved or some info about this.