Future of Zcash dev funding — high signal, low noise

Final edit: This forum thread is now deprecated! Please refer to the ZIP process website and the Zcash Foundation’s governance page for future information and updates. Forum discussion will continue in the protocol subcategory.

To see past edits of this post:

This thread will remain locked. It’s intended as a reference, not a discussion venue. It will be updated whenever we (the Zcash community) move the ball forward.

For details and discussion, consult the megathread.

Note: the merged ZIPs include some editorial changes. They supercede both the original pull requests, and the draft proposals on the forum threads. If you are a ZIP author and see a change that doesn’t reflect your intent, please contact @daira.

Draft ZIPs

ZIP Process

ZIP = Zcash Improvement Proposal

Writing and submitting a ZIP is how you formally suggest changes to the Zcash protocol, or a decision about Zcash’s future that you want to be recognized and recorded.