Genoil's ZEC Miner

i get about that out of 3 cores on my desktop i5
i got a core running on all my rigs too it all adds up
about 130 shares an hour from 1 core of a pentium lol

Awesome script. What could be even more awesome would be implementing something like counting the number of times 0sol/s happens and automatically switch region when a certain threshold is reached.

Genoil miner 0.5 with BEST restart script included…
Scrip restart miner when you have 0s.s or miner stoped or crash… etc…
And: ZECMiner folder need place on С:\


Thank you so much @alexfox.

you are welcome
blablabla 20 bla

flypool fucking up again

Try to switch from us to eu (or eu to us).

If you want chage dir - just edit start.cmd file.


hello!thanx for your help!i did the powershell set-executionpolicy remotesigned.but again when i am trying to run the start.cmd is telling me that it is not signed :confused: do you think that i need to restart my pc or is something else ?

Did you run as administrator

I have to say this script looks really nice, well done.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

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run as admin the powershell and powershell x86

All who have an error when start script try “Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted” in PowerShell (run as Admin)

Mmh with the latest 0.5 version it should actually run pretty well

ok now its running but is asking to press r to start the script or d to do not run it.and i mean even if it crash…not just the first time that i am running it,so it makes the script useless…i am running win 7 64bi
[D] do not run ,[R] run once ,[S] suspend

I’m in Canada. Normally my natural gas furnace is running by now, but since I installed an AMD furnace, I have the windows cracked a little.

Maybe I can claim carbon credits too!


Radeon 16.6 , Genoil 0.05 win 10

Genoil 0.04 my r9 mining 7sol too. Ps not mining with cpu here.

thanx… very nice!!!:blush:

(unauthorized worker) on your pool happens (happened) from time to time when i go away from main machine and restart with gpu, website keeps showing the worker mining, used to update faster when i disconected a worker.