Kworks 4 ZCG _ 062024

Freedom in Electronic Business,

Searching for digital solutions, freely.

I’ve been involved for the last five years in this community. I’ve participated in many lanes of Zcash. I am building a pure Zcash business in Canada (zecweb dot com). I want to bring a different type of energy to ZCG, focused on real world solutions which are needed now!

Zec micro payments for internet content
Build bridges to the none crypto communities
Get medium size business to accept zec
Transacting zec on the public Zcash blockchain remains legal
Build public and private infrastructure for zec and the zcash blockchain.
Let users decide how and where they want to use zec.

Action Plan:
Primary markets: Canada & Germany
Promote the direct sale of zec
Encourage economic minority groups to use the Zcash blockchain
Encourage data sets of using zec for electronic payments to lower the cost of doing business.
Encourage main street retail business to accept zec.
Encourage the use of zebra nodes.
Encourage virtual code as infrastructure solutions.
Promote Zcash Community Content Development
Promote ZCG Programs in events and conferences personally.
Update ZCG brand and digital user points.
Promote the importance of ZCG in the growth of the Zcash Community.

Good Luck to each member!