(Update: it appears UA default-privacy glory is coming sooner than I imagined, but it still needs to be confirmed to be the default for all major GUI wallets before big marketing should be applied to it.)
I think the fundamentals of Zcash really being a privacy coin need to be achieved before any fun, effective viral marketing occurs. Viral marketing is amazing, if it’s imaginative and well-crafted enough, but I personally wouldn’t spend time or energy on rah-rah marketing until Unified Addresses, with fully shielded payments (for both sending and receiving) is the default wallet software setting on every platforms’ GUI Zcash wallet (including default wallet settings specifying that no one CAN send you transparent or shielding Tx’s).
(I.e. be private by default like Monero.)
If not, people will visit Zcash during such a campaign, try it out, and see it’s not really what the hype suggested (out of the box), and it’s a waste of money / effort / time.
Right now, for fully shielded usage with vendors it’s a finicky technical setup (for average people), and supported in hardly any places anyway (especially when receiving ZEC, since you cannot control that someone is sending ZEC to your zaddr from a pesky taddr).
What’s the point of Zcash (and expensive marketing) if it doesn’t do everything Monero does and more? It has the ‘and more’ (perfect zk privacy), but not the first part (private by default, transparency is opt in, not opt out).
Wait until UA is fully implemented, my 2z.