Working on Windows 7 x64

i am under windows 10 getting a lot less then that :frowning:

The duplicate shares bug is fixed now. Actually curious whether or not Win7 + AMD allows multiple instances. Add --instances=2 to cmd line. For me (win10 + AMD) it results in 0sols.

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You might want to verify what WDDM version you’re on. You want nothing below 2.1.

I have the latest Cuda + latest driver 375.70 and WDDM2.1

Windows 10 - Anneviersy update

Works fine for me on zec.suprnova.cc:2142 on nvidia 1060 and 970:

./silentarmy --list
Devices on platform “NVIDIA CUDA”:
ID 0: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
ID 1: GeForce GTX 970

./silentarmy --use 0,1 -c stratum+tcp://zec.suprnova.cc:2142 -u suprnova.1 -p x

Total 45.9 sol/s [dev0 26.1, dev1 23.7] 17 shares
Total 46.4 sol/s [dev0 27.2, dev1 24.0] 17 shares
Total 45.9 sol/s [dev0 26.4, dev1 23.1] 17 shares
Total 46.0 sol/s [dev0 27.3, dev1 23.2] 17 shares
Total 46.7 sol/s [dev0 26.7, dev1 24.6] 17 shares
Total 46.3 sol/s [dev0 25.8, dev1 24.2] 17 shares
Total 47.1 sol/s [dev0 27.2, dev1 24.6] 17 shares
Total 47.2 sol/s [dev0 27.5, dev1 25.0] 17 shares

i tried the Gigabyte GA-990FX and only had problems with it like only USB3 ports would work.
Now i have the MSI 990FXA Gaming and it works flawless but only has 5 PCIe ports.
The Asus Formula Z seems to be a total disaster with all the problems.

I guess there is no decent AMD AM3+ board with 6x PCIe.

Thanks for posting these #s.

I picked up a 1070 and put it in with my 3820 - now I have space on another machine to add two more cards with needing risers yet, thinking of (2) 1070.

Thoughts? I’m just running the GUI NiceHash miner for now:

@frustrated SA uses a lot of CPU with Nvidia because Nvidia’s OpenCL libs use busy waits. This affects all OpenCL apps. It is not a bug specific to SA. There are workarounds which I will eventually implement, like: Workaround for Nvidia OpenCL 100% CPU usage on linux.

Although I have to re-research the situation more deeply. Things may have changed since 2013.


@TIKCrazy Actually to all those trying Nvidia, set OPTIM_SIMPLIFY_ROUND to 1 (see instructions in silentarmy/TROUBLESHOOTING.md at master ¡ mbevand/silentarmy ¡ GitHub). I heard from solardiz this boost performance by up to +25% on Nvidia.


hey, I got only about 30 h/s on unmodded RX 470 on SA 3.
yours are bios modded, right?

anybody running R7 370 on Ubuntu 14.04 on SA 3 or 4?
What is your speed?

@Genoil thansk for your version, seems hashrate ist doing on windows like it does on linux, only get 30 sols on windows per 480x

Keep up the good work!

is it feasible to run four instances on 4gb card when setting OPTIM_SIMPLIFY_ROUND to 1, then choosing --instances=4? i don’t see much difference in running with 2 or 3 instances on 4gb RX 470.

A lot of people are saying 40 to 45 with rx470 on SA 3. Maybe it needs to be ubuntu 14 instead of 16 so flgx can be installed and thereby use AMD Catalyst 15.12 drivers. Root got 40 S/s without it. Cryptomined says 'run 3 instances of silent army with switch --instances=3 and you will kill claymores hashrate"

I cannot get why older gen r9 380 has the same speed as rx 470, unmodded.
3 instances help with r9 380, not with rx 470.

Sorry, I am dummy. How i may start silentarmy under windows. What should i compile or where are binaries?

r9 280x gets even more than rx470 with claymore’s miner, at a watts cost that is 70% more than the 470. From what I can tell, if you get the right miner with the right settings, it doesn’t matter which of the common options you use as electricity and capital costs balance out. Even 7850 is competitive.

I get 50H/s with rx470 4gb, modded memory straps with ubuntu 16.04 and amdgpu 16.30.
Running 3 instances does not improve rate for me.


Great! With two instances 51 sol/s on Asus R9 390 (win10 latest driver)
We have finally a faster miner than claymore!

2x MSI RX480 8gb ubuntu 16.04
just changed to silentarmy 4 with OPTIM_SIMPLIFY_ROUND 1 and --instances 3
i see no change in speed in silentarmy 4 to silentarmy 3

am i missing something?