I cannot believe that stupid straps cause the card to go from 30 to 50 (even if it is really high forties). AMD really did a piss poor job with the initial strap settings :unamused:
maybe they even wrecked it intentionally to make people buy more 480ies.

@BaldEagle You are not missing anything. Depending on you exact hardware and drivers, you might see no difference. My system sees zero difference with or without OPTIM_SIMPLIFY_ROUND. Or bumping instances from 2 to 3.

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Why in the world would you buy a $400+ nVidia card that you can’t mine any other currencies with at a profit?

i played around a little and OPTIM_SIMPLIFY_ROUND does nothing on my system
i had 2 terminals running that gave me about 77 to 78 sol now with --instances=3 i run one terminal window with 80sol
so it is a bit of a improvement

Sorry, i tried to compile genoil windows branch, but getting 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘OpenCL.lib’. Can you help, please?

@TIKCrazy I am afraid I can’t help. I have not started working on Windows yet and don’t have a Windows machine to test.

How does one flash an AMD BIOS? Which mods are recomended?

On my GTX970, using OPTIM_SIMPLIFY_ROUND 1 boosts speeds from about 19-20 sol/s to to 21-24, so anywhere from 10-20% boost. Maximum speed on my GTX970 appears to be (neglibly faster) at 1 instance. 3 instances is noticeably worse performance. (Arch Linux w/ driver v375.10)

Cards w/ Hynix memory (most of the original ones) had much looser memory timings, while Elpida are apparently better by default. Adjusting the memory straps on my Elpida Nitro+ 470 took it only from about 36H/s to about 42H/s though using the sony87’s (1500 strap I think) 1060/1950 -50mV ROM from the Ethereum forums. Others might be getting higher hashrates w/ more aggressive settings.

You need precompiled OpenCL libs and headers and make sure MSVC can find them.

I’ll make a change later that points the location of these files on most systems, so chances are higher it builds out of the box. (edit this is done now)

@mrb perhaps you should add a command line param for the nerdralph optimizations.

My bios timers are not modified. I’m on Ubuntu 16.04. I’m consistently getting 38 - 42 Sol/s and the average is 40/41 Sol/s. Only run 2 instances on each RX 470. Running 3 will get you 3-4 Sol/s higher for a short time but the lack of an speed control will make them overheat and will wear them out quicker. Make sure you have the AMDGPU-PRO drivers - no need to install the Catalyst 15.12 (Ubuntu 14.04). If you’re not getting higher speeds than 30, I would Upgrade to 16.04.

@Genoil Yes I will consider adding a CLI option for the OPTIM_SIMPLIFY_ROUND

I am on ubuntu 16.04 with most recent amdgpupro 16.40 driver.
still, only 30 at best on 470 (unmodded).
Why? two points: my risers are gen 1 and I setup rig PCI from auto to gen1.
Also, weak CPU-G3258
maybe one of these points?

Hi all. For those that have a GPU hang every now and then, I have a rather trivial solution that I first started using for my ETH mining. I’ve implemented it on my silentarmy rigs, and it’s working just as well. There are 2 parts to it: a small scripts that looks for sa-solver processes with 0% CPU usage, and a root crontab entry that runs the script periodically (I do it every 3 minutes). If the script finds any sa-solvers running at 0% CPU, as reported by “top”, it will reboot the rig. Obviously, you need to start silentarmy on a reboot. I do this is my .xsession file using a startup script. NOTE: I can’t get the “#” character to print in this post, so where you see “!/bin/bash” you need to have a “#” character in front of it. ALSO, where you see “cat /home/joe/.m_id”, there’s supposed to be a back-tic “`” on either end of it. So, what good is cut-paste to a forum post if it silently doesn’t print certain characters?

Here’s the “hung.root” script:


if [ -f ~/.no-reboot ]
exit 0

H=top -b -n 2 -U joe|grep sa-s|tail -n 1|awk '{ print $9}'

if [ $H == “0.0” ]
node=cat /home/joe/.m_id
echo “____________________________” >> $LOG
echo “NODE: $node” >> $LOG
date >> $LOG
echo “****** HUNG ******” >> $LOG

exit 0

Note: you need to change the log file path to where you want it, or set it to “/dev/null” if you don’t care. In “H=top -b -n 2 -U joe|grep sa-s|tail -n 1|awk ‘{ print $9}’”, change “joe” to the user_id that’s running “silentarmy”, usually your user_id. The .m_id file is a tiny file with a rig id, which I use to identify my rigs for logging and as my “worker id” for the pool. The .m_id file allows me to run my standard scripts across all my rigs without having to adjust them for the individual rig.

The root crontab (create with sudo crontab -e) is:

*/3 * * * * /home/joe/bin/hung.root

Note: change the path to where you have the script, above. */3 means every 3 minutes, which you can change to whatever frequency you’d like, e.g. */2 is every 2 minutes, */5 is every 5 minutes. DO NOT put a new-line after the crontab entry above, or cron will be unhappy! In other words, “root” is the last characters in the crontab entry, no should be added.

Here’s the startup script I use of zcash:

ID=cat ~/.m_id
killall -q silentarmy nheqminer
atitweak -f 80
sleep 1
aticonfig --od-setclocks 1000,500 --adapter=ALL
(nohup $silentarmy --instances=3 --use=0,1,2,3,4,5 -c stratum+tcp://us1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -u t1Wcjd2mvpA6wpcaHHV5a6h4gJXhxic7rTg.g$ID > /sto/m1/sa.log 2>&1 &)
sleep 1
ps ax|grep silent
ps ax|grep sa-

sleep 60
(nohup $HOME/bin/nheqminer -l us1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -t 1 -u t1Wcjd2mvpA6wpcaHHV5a6h4gJXhxic7rTg.$ID > /sto/m1/zcash.log 2>&1 &)

sleep 1
ps ax|grep nheqminer
exit 0

I start both silentarmy and the CPU miner. atitweak is a utility for AMD GPUs to set fan speed, etc. You can change it to use “aticonfig” or do the amdpro driver stuff to the /sys entries.

HTH :slight_smile:


Use ATIwinFlash to save your bios then polaris bios editor to modify and atiwinflash again to flash the card.
See various threads on bitcointalk or ethereum forum for technical details

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good to know that you can atitweak cards on fgrlx driver when using SA.
i will try my R7 370 setup

Hey. I have 3 R7 370s running. 110-120 H/s

thanks, will change 5 card r7 370 rig to zec

Support R9 280x ?? ever make?

As a point of reference both my Nitro+ 470 4G Elpida on an i7-6700k and my 6 x Nitro+ 470 4G Hynix cards on PCIe 1.0 risers and a G3240 both average around 36H/s stock. (I run an nheqminer fork running Xenoncat AVX2 -t6 on the 6700k w/o any effect on the GPU HR, but don’t run any CPU mining on the G3240 b/c it uses 40% CPU across both cores just w/ silentarmy running). I am running AMD 16.30 drivers on a 4.8.4 kernel (Arch).