In my Z|ECC summary post, I mentioned that the ECC team reviewed the NU7 timeline (including vanilla ZSAs, the NSM, and memo bundles) and does not believe the network upgrade is likely to activate in August. According to our estimates, an “optimistic” date for the NU7 activation is sometime in October. Keep in mind that these optimistic dates are not commitments, they are only stated to give people an idea of possible timing.
This delay is because we are running behind on implementing the replacement zcashd cli wallet, which is called Zallet (pronounced like “ballet” or “sallet”). Other factors, of course, include sufficient time for testing and rollout. Some of this testing requires a complete rollout of the new stack, including zebrad.
We need to consider the implications of this delay. The current development fund is scheduled to end in November. At that time, miners will receive the full allocation of mining rewards, and additions to the lockbox will cease.
Even if this two-month change to the optimistic timeline had not occurred, any schedule deviation would have resulted in the same outcome: the development fund would have ended, and a hundred percent of the mining rewards would have reverted to the miners.
Network upgrades should be spaced at least three months apart to ensure smooth and safe transitions. Under current assumptions, the best case for a network upgrade that includes a distribution mechanism for the lockbox would, at best, be scheduled for January 2026.
Allocating the full amount to the miners only to return and reinstall some development funding at a later date is not ideal.
Therefore, assuming the community desires an ongoing development fund as signaled in surveys this last year, we recommend extending the 20% allocation of mining rewards to the lockbox for another year with a network upgrade that will activate no later than November 2025.
We believe this extension should allocate all of the 20% development funds to the lockbox. Unlike the current allocation to ZCG, its funding allocation would cease until the community decides what to do with the funds in the lockbox. Like others, including ZF and ECC, it would be limited to its existing treasury until a distribution mechanism is cooperatively defined.
We see two potential paths for activating an extension. One path is to insert a new network upgrade that simply extends the timeline and removes the ZCG allocation for a period of one year. This Network Upgrade (NU 6.5 or a new NU 7) would activate no later than November and three months before what is currently defined as NU7 (ZSAs, NSM, and memo bundles).
The second option is to include the change in NU7 unless the remaining NU7 work is delayed beyond the November expiration date, in which case, only the extension is activated, and the remaining capabilities would be activated at a later date when ready.
We would like to get feedback from the ZIP editors and the community at large on these ideas.
Adjacently, @daira and I are working on a proposal to implement a new distribution mechanism. We will soon publish it.
Thanks to Daira-Emma and @nuttycom for reviewing and providing feedback on this post.
We look forward to your thoughts and feedback.