Pool- Luckpool.org: Solo Mining Block Rewards

EU would be great, as would solo pool reward or an increased luck reward.

Is it correct that zogminer is not supported on a pool?

Zogminer is a combo of our opencl + zcash + silentarmy so it should connect to the pool. Though I donā€™t plan to keep working on zogminer given the large amount of fast miners.

Iā€™m starting to like this idea as well. Think Iā€™ll stand up an EU LUCK server in the next few days.

Yeah I like it tooā€¦

For example lets say when its at 12.5 per block, I think the worker who found the block should get 2.5zec and the other 10 should get split between all workers.

Something like that would be interesting.

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Definitely EU.

Sidepool with non-prop rewards is good idea.

This may sound like a weird request, but can you add stratum to the pool
location address? I guess it could just forward to the zogpool.org
address. The reason I ask is that my Windows nheqminer_zcash insists on
adding stratum to the location (zogpool.org:3357 becomes
stratum.zogpool.org:3357). Unless thereā€™s another solution that Iā€™m not
thinking of.

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cooking alongā€¦11740.785 sols/s

tomorrow will be a good day :wink:

Is it better to compute reward based on shares on the current block alone? Let say you mine block 12001. You only compute the reward on shares on block 12001 and disregard all shares from block 12000 and below. Is this how zogpool works or any pool on that matter? Thanks.

After a bit of a hackathon i have created a new pool and converted it into a solo 100% reward for finding the block target difficulty pool. I just launched it and youā€™re all welcome to join www.luckpool.org :slight_smile:

The UI is the same atm but the engine has been updated. Shares are currently still collected because I create a config setting to dynamically adjust the ā€œluck settingā€, which is set to 100% but could be changed easily in the future so others will still collect a portion of the shares.

connect: luckpool.org:3357

-server location: EU
-no payout fee
-worker UI stats (still improving but works for now)
-all known miners work
-adjustable luck percentage (currently 100% of reward goes to finder)

Best of luck everyone!


None of the stats (hashrate, number of clients etc) are showing on the frontpage (edit: or the miner page). FWIW.

Give it until it finds its first block. The stats do show up, they are just a bit slow until a z_addr tx happens. It has a failing rpc call on an account that technically exists but isnā€™t on chain yet since it has a 0 input balance. And I hacked this thing together in a few hours to be operational. Will woork on the fine details in the coming days.

I will be working more on the webapi when I am done tuning the engine.

this looks like fun :slight_smile:

FYI, neither web portal is reporting any of my accounts which are active now.

luckpool or zogpool

A few stratum 10053 socket errors in there

Thanks, restapi crashed, zogpool and luckpool webui back up.

You may experience some issues with luckpool for a bit. Iā€™m sending some funds over to the pool wallets now to clear up the api errors.


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whatā€™s the host please ?

setting only luckpool.org:3357 give me error ā€œfailed to resolveā€ in optiminer.


that is strange, I am able to connect to luckpool with optiminer from California and the server is in France. It is a new server so DNS may not have propagated

i did wrong, works now.

Nice good OVH hosting !
(iā€™m in france too)

A real time (every 60sec) pending shares or confirming balance counter would be nice.

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Well with luckpool you donā€™t have shares so that wonā€™t be possible unless the luck % is reduced below 100%. I am actually going to raise the difficulty to close to the zcash block difficulty so that shares are not submitted. Support for that will come.

There are also confirming transaction fields that will become populated when you successfully mine a block.

As always, more UI improvements coming.