Didn’t Mao teach you to speak better to women?
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Moderation Policies and Procedures
…and in other news, amidst signs of a recovery in ZEC price, traders were amazed as the average IQ of their forum doubled…
Did you ever see THX 1138 and they did the mind lock on that guy and he’s just like stuck for 3 minutes?
Wow look at it go. Where it stops Al888 knows
I see what you did there
…and we return to the normal programme of ‘Guess what will happen to the price next week’
So, I’m seeing nice volume and the price has sort of settled down, despite it being the weekend.
Increased volume has to be a pre-cursor for the October Sapling bump, plus there’s some branding work coming out. All good stuff and just my humble opinion.
My guess, 135 Euros by this time next week, which for those of you that live ‘in the colonies’ would be $156.
Falling wedge formation found on Zcash. Possible one more dip to 90$ then up to 250$ or more right around when Sappling is released. Find out more on falling wedge formation here: Falling Wedge [ChartSchool]
Lol, I guess that’s what a huge ZEC to BTC price will do. I know the throttled mining start played a role in that early price, but still promising for when we break back through someday.
last few years most alts went the ICO/etc route. those markets are prebuilt, in a way. have a feeling vast majority of current traders have never traded in a market built from scratch, so they might not understand true accumulation.
“dear lord make it stop.”
have a feeling this poster’s prayer will be answered by the end-of-month.
good volume again today. even a nice little uptick in volume.
So, no Btc ETF this year?
So guys, do you think Coinbase will add Zcash soon? Here is their tweet from July https://twitter.com/coinbase/status/1017863343288115200 and Zcash chart is now even on their website
Its certainly getting closer & think we’ll be one of the first - but when is anyones guess.
IIRC @kek called it last time…
The new website https://z.cash
This is kinda weird, its a map of fintech twitter (kinda), anyways if you scroll down in “top hashtags in tweet” G1-G10, you’ll see 2 CC’s mentioned by name…
Its also kinda like where’s Waldo!
Also there’s a basic free version to make your own
Im confused about how the price follows the hashrate? I know if the coin is worth more, more people try to mine it, so the hashrate goes up when its more profitable(AKA hashrate follows price).
But why would the price follow the hashrate? Looking at the hashrate vs usd price, I dont see any correlation.
Zcash lost alot of its community on the ASIC switch, so there is alot less demand for the coin. Last time the amount of transactions was this low was a year and a half ago. Demand effects the price alot more then hashrate ever did.
Did you see this page? Compliance - Zcash
I just had a (virtual) orgasm!
I guess the new branding is about → ZCash to Zcash
And the new sapling logo?
JUST AMAZING, the video too! LOVE IT! Look at all the languages, look and those pages!
+++++++++ Zcash +++++++++