Price Speculation

Cant speak for anyone else but I’m having a ball - nice of you to volunteer for the Suicide Hotline.

How about an occasional ‘really long’ write up on where you think the mkt is going long term? Think we’d enjoy that.

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Moderators are leaving the flagged posts as is but let’s not have this topic derail or make anyone feel singled out or attacked.

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36 new posts overnight, and seeing you all argue and attack each other makes my heart warm. Also tells me we are at the end of the cycle.



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I’m continuing to buy more ZEC at these prices…while I hate to see the price drop from ~851 to (damn near) 51 in a year, such is life…long term is the outlook…L-O-N-G, long…just look at the dot com bubble almost 20 years ago for guidance… is now

It’s my opinion that the crypto space is similar to the dot com era in that following the bust of the dot coms, the dogshit got killed off and the diamonds in the rough hung on…Amazon, Google, Paypal, EBay, etc. are still here and are very valuable. Could what happened to dot coms be what is - and has - happened to cryptos? Dunno, but it’s been my theory from the rip, and I’ve been saying that for almost 18 months right on this very forum.

It’s also my opinion that ZCash is one of those diamonds whose value will/may be fully realized five, ten or more years hence. It offers real privacy to real people everywhere. While there are host of obstacles to clear, the ZCash horse is a winner.

Ian indicated in his video (posted above) that UX is a major factor in adoption, but three other factors are also in control of user adoption, and they are knowledge of ZCash and its benefits, wild price fluctuations, and lack of places to use ZCash in consumer commerce…

Consumer Awareness of ZCash: This issue lies squarely on @zooko’s head. Why to this day no real effort is being made to tell the masses about ZCash and its benefits by the ZCash Co is still a mystery to this user. Is there a CMO at ZCash Co? If no, srsly…wtf? If so, then wtf is that person doing?

Wild Price Fluctuations: I can understand why no one wants to use ZCash or any crypto in commerce since what it’s worth today my or may not be what it’s worth tomorrow; and that can be a lot. Since the value of assets in the crypto space are controlled by mostly irrational and unsophisticated “investor-speculators”, minute-by-minute value can vary considerably. And that scares people from changing fiat into ZEC to use in commerce. Widespread user adoption will not occur until the price of ZEC becomes more stable.

Merchant Acceptance: I own a business and have almost twenty thousand customers around the world. I’d take ZEC for payment (especially now) but due to the whimsical market forces, it’s prohibitive to do it since the value still can make these wild swings…and I am aware and enthusiastic about ZCash! I’d bet 99.9999% of sellers of goods and services out there don’t even know about ZCash and the few who do won’t use it yet.

Anyhow, I didn’t plan on this to be a rant! tl/dr: Buy ZEC…it will be good in 10 years if and when improvements come!


Another data breach, Marriott


For example, Bitcoin makes “halving” when it needed.
Why other cryptocurrencies do not make exact the opposite of it?
why they do not make “doubling” of their coins?

Why wouldn’t ZCash do that? Make “doubling”…

We could say the same to thanos :stuck_out_tongue:

Jokes aside, doubling coins wouldn’t bring scarcity and price would degrade.


dammit …was going to take a gamble on this one after kraken listed it. was hoping ZEC would’ve showed a little life before QTUM pumped, tho… this definitely makes me a little salty. i knew this was going to happen, and i’m not even participating. grrrrrrrrrrr

apparently, they do have a CMO, but nobody knows who who he is. only reason i know the dude exists is he has a twitter account with barely any followers. not very impressed with the cat’s performance to say the least.

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2019 - the year crypto becomes “legitimatized”

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i’m fascinated by kraken’s ZEC/JPY pair. it’s still not doing much, but it’s up from 0. would like to see zcash on bitflyer, or something. we haven’t seemed to have much penetration in japan. it’s a pair to keep an eye on, imo


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That would be fair :grinning:

question, because i’m undecided:
putting together a thing that’ll easily monitor only ZEC/fiat pairings on all exchanges. if you were me; would you include tethers, USDC, etc?

Yes, its relevant as well. Tether and USDC are existing money moving in crypto between coins.

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I think it would be interesting to see fiat moving into crypto, but cryptos disguised at fiat really are not relevant in my opinion. Comparing the two would be more enlightening I think.

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Maybe a good idea if certain exchanges can be excluded, Lbank’s dodgy volume springs to mind.


They did end up hiring someone that was a VP at a tech company I believe? I also haven’t seen much from them, but I believe they did hire someone as @kek mentioned.

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mebbe next time the zcash foundation has a call for proposals; somebody should try to win a foundation grant for some hardcore marketing ops. marketing a cryptocurrency is much different than marketing for some goofy tech company.