Problem setting up Claymore for R9 280x?

I have been running EWFB Miner on one rig, and I have just set up another rig with a Gigabyte R9 280x Windforce rev 2.0 that I just had lying around. I installed the graphics driver, and have the claymore miner running, but it doesn’t collect any new shares. I continually get:

"New job from

ZEC - Total Speed: 0.000 H/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0…

ZEC: GPU0 0.000 H/s"

I’m pretty new to mining and setting up the EWBF miner was easy enough, but my 1060 is much newer hardware than the AMD card I’m trying and I don’t really know what protocol does what or what each command means necessarily. Help on getting it to actually do work and accept shares would be greatly appreciated.
*Also, GPU Temps and Fan speed are stagnant at 33C and 33% respectively, and I only see one active worker on the zcash flypool states website. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Hi @JStallings3587 and welcome

I guess you didn’t overclock or undervolt the card?

can you share us your command line and tell us the Radeon driver you’re using?


Radeon Software Version: 17.1.1

Command line:

ZecMiner64.exe -zpool -zwal t1J7BAdFcaLgwuja92Z6FfAsZUXRs7M2uFP.rig2 -zpsw x

this looks normal. hmm… :thinking: the only thing different I can see until now, is that on my computer with AMD card I have the version 17.12.1 installed

So, after a hard reset of the system (not intentional or anything, just a dead CMOS battery that I have yet to replace), claymore started working with that command. Thanks for the assistance!