Hi everyone, here are the updates from this week:
- ICYMI: Here’s a recording from the ECC Livestream.
- ECC’s website has a new look. Let us know how you like it!
- Halo got a shoutout from Nick Spooner.
- ZDA’s Q3 meeting summary has been posted in the forum.
Mark your calendars,
- 10/6 - Gardening Club, registration link
- 10/7 - Zcash webinar with Blockchain Academy (Brazil), link TBD
- 10/8 - Arborist Call, link
- 10/19 - ZKP Privacy Conference hosted by Dystopia Labs
- 10/28 - Zcash 4th Birthday
- 11/18 - Canopy Activation
Community Shout Outs - Shout out to Luxor, Autotunafish, covfefe, and Zecprophet for helping update documentation this sprint. Shout out to narodnik for submitting a community PR.
- Removed ads from read the docs
- Zcash mining guide shifted to ASIC advice (shout out to Luxor!)
- Added canopy ZIPs to the network upgrade guide
- Updated installation guides to state end of Debian Jessie support
- Added End of Support policy to the zcashd guide
- IPFS Github status with CID for binary of different platforms (e.g. ARM, Windows, Linux, Mac)
- Initial deploy of Block Explorer in Kubernetes
- New detector node setup documents
- Published ZIP 321, Payment Request URIs
- And published several other ZIPs
- Fixed another assertion failure - #4680
- Completed several refactorings to improve Rust crate usability
- Made great progress on Halo 2 (prelim benchmarking and Sinsemilla hashing algorithm)
Security: Time-to-analyze new dependency updates decreased by 80%
- iOS: localization complete! (demo), addressed bugs related to iOS 14, memo entries, UI bugs
- Android: migrated librustzcash crates, added ability to change lightwalletd servers, adding encryption libraries to older devices
- Lightwalletd: checkpointing support for lightwalletd, plus huge community interest
- Product: refined and finished (v1) design guide, facilitated translations for ECC app
- Light client working group was kickstarted!