i dont know, last block was found 13h ago.
just changed to another pool.
Hello, I’am anonymous miner t1eCzLevmh241Zq8Pu8HpzYRwtid2kykCA4 with balance: 0.1129 ZEC and no payments yet.
Does this mean suprnova is lying basically?
This means suprnova has paid a block that was found on f2pool… Usually the wallet should auto-detect such orphans but it seems this hasn’t worked here… Well, lucky miners on suprnova
@barhoon did you maybe used that address in a registered account before ?
Yes, I used this address in the registered account, but now I changed it to another and it did not help.
@ocminer How to solve a problem? Maybe I should delete my registered account?
I kinda understand the luck factor but…what happens when luck numbers are in red? What does that mean?
I had 1 zec by oct the 26th. Today I woke up to find out I had 1.107 and that’s where it got stuck.
I am supposes to make from 0.045 to 0.05 …but sometimes it all gets stuck. I spent the whole day with 1.107 and just 0.028 unconfirmed and 0.022 round estimates
By the way I too mine on suprnpva
Yes there is something really wrong with suprnova. On the 28th, everything was stuck again. I’ve been mining 10 hours for nothing.
Probably not. By design, pools (and miners) will have solutions to the same block. Through consensus algorithms on the block chain, the chain decides which “wins the tie”. I don’t think ZEC does Orphan rewards (I think that’s more of an ETH thing), so likely what happens is that it will show up eventually as unconfirmed (i.e. never gets to a confirmed state) and therefore, never pays out for that block. You would have to look at the payouts for that block to see who ultimately had the confirmed block.
Who ever has this address (i.e. whichever pool it shows up in), won the block:
Same here…well I guess same for everyone who is on suprnova
Although I gotta say, it was pretty cool how it worked on the 26th-27th
there is no payment on an anonymous miner, how to solve the problem?
@ocminer the transaction appears confirmed in suprnova but i didnt get it till now and i can’t find it in zchain
depit id : 715028737
weird, i have it with 99 confirmations in two of my wallets. maybe we can look it up on a differnet block explorer ? where did you withdraw to ?
@ocminer i withdraw to jaxx but jaxx not the problem because it doesnt appear even in block explorer
please find what is going on!
that block was full obviously. it’s back in your account
@ocminer what account you mean? if you mean suprnova i can’t see it till now in my suprnova
@ocminer i got it now thank you it wired because i never face that before
@ocminer Can you kick off a manual payout for that balance in the anon account t1eCzLevmh241Zq8Pu8HpzYRwtid2kykCA4 ?
@ocminer hello, i tried anon mining but now i cant get my adress in regular mining, how can i delete that anonimous mining so i can have my adress on my suprnova account?