Suprnova's ZCash Pool

It’s simple: Don’t use Nicehash on Suprnova PPLNS pools :slight_smile:

I don’t know what ppl are trying strange things. can’t they just mine like anyone else? :man_shrugging:
you must have a lot of patience :expressionless:

Something is wrong, digging all day and 0.0 …Unconfirmed. What the hell ?

and maybe 0.01 and above?

“For Nicehash use”

Hi… I am confused now… on the pool page, you say: “For Nicehash use”

but here you say:

It’s simple: Don’t use Nicehash on Suprnova PPLNS pools :slightly_smiling_face:

So whats correct? and whats the problem with nicehash on Supranova PPLNS?

Before it was working pretty well… but last few days, the rounds are many times stuck and too too long.


you said it. it is not working anymore. so maybe try to use something else. just sayin’.

@ocminer I seem to have a problem with share rate as my hash rate is usually 1700+ sol/s and the first week I was doing like 0.033xx a day and last day I did 0.012xx , my rig is supposed to give my 1 zec a month (it’s a small one) . Some times I use a secondary worker which gives me 580 sol/s more to make up for those days when things were not working and the first days things were going pretty smooth with both the workers running but now something’s wrong.
Have you got any idea what could be out of place?
I have 3 1080 and win 10 plugged through cable to the modem and my isp provides me of 100 mb down speed 8 mb up speed

The secondary has 1 R9 295x2 and win 7

My share rate never goes beyond 0.3 and some times it goes below 0.05 :confused:
The pc with win 7 has a faster share rate…or had

Help much appreciated :smiley: !

although the question is not directed to me, I would still comment.

  1. suprnova is a great pool ( I love it bacause it’s cozy for me lol), but it’s small. It’s on average ~ 10 MSol hash rate. last blocks are ~400 MSol, most recent ~450 MSol. So posibility to find a block for suprnova is very limited.
  2. Difficulty went up drastically last week once ZEC was pumped. it moves from ~ 5.7M to current ~ 7-8M. Once the price of ZEC go back below at least 0.85-0.9 to ETH, many people will stop mining ZEC and get back to what they were doing before - ETH)

for some period of time it was even more profitable to do ZEC for radeons vs ETH) for sure everyone run to ZEC.

As a result of small size of the pool (which influence on accuracy between a real income and whattomine calc), luck and increased difficulty you get less ZEC per the same ammount of time (day in your case). on a long run it’ll be more or less accurate with whattomine.

my overall ZEC income went down by almost 30%. USD is the same as before.

hope it helps

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Good reading (Y)

I’m cheering for it to plummet down soon :smiley:
Difficulty chart is too sad to look at Zcash Difficulty Chart - ZEC Difficulty - CoinWarz

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Thanks a lot pal!!
It doesn’t matter I didn’t ask the question to you :slight_smile: , you did help me a lot as I was thinking there was a problem with my internet connection or the rig itself.

I understand the matter more now, as I had the wrong idea about difficulty before.

So, the good thing would be to mine as much coin as possible when diff is not that high and then sell it when price goes up. I thought the price going up was good as I was mining this coin but now I see its side effects.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

@project agreed!!

You’re welcome.
Yes, it’s same as with trading - you accumulate at lower price, sell at higher.

Good luck.

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My username is DanZeal and on zcash this morning I was giving over $1000 dollars in shares around 10:30 A.M. PST 10/2/17 and it showed nothing and I lost all that money. What happened to all those shares? My friend Indie had a similar problem where he has nothing

screens shoots of transaction log or it didn’t happen

Hey guys is suprnova under some ddos attack again?
I haven’t seen any activity for like 2 hours and the progress is almosy reaching 400 %

hey guys, whats going on with suprnova?

Pool Hashrate dropped from 8ksol to 1ksol.

round progress nearly at 600% and still no block found.
everybody switching to another pool?

same here : / something went wrong :confused:

Someone cut the plug to nicehash?

is that a question or a fact?

question mate, 7K hasrate drop is pretty spooky…