Suprnova's ZCash Pool

what was the problem? im having the same one?

What chain is this currently running on? Ran some tests last night and worked great for me (other than the dodgy stats) :grinning:

it’s a private beta1 chain because diff was already quite high on the public one. i’ll switch to b2 soon

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i dont undestood please step by step

Hello, is there any open source pool software for zcash? Is this software open source? To work with str4ds open source stratum miner? Thank you. Looking for a way to combine mining power from different machines.

@ocminer I’ve tried to run only 1 process and I’ve tried to run a process for every CPU-core … my hashrate seems to be always the same on your pool (from time to time it decreases … no idea why …) … what’s the best setting for 8 cores and 16 GB RAM? should I start with -genproclimit=-1 or should I start without this flag (wasted CPU capacity?). Better to use 1 worker or different ones?
Is there a difference between an FX8350 with 8 cores and an i7-6700k with 4 cores + HT? I should be able to start 8 threads?

Everything it’s ok, now. Thanks for your help.

How to compile CPU miner for Zcash when mining on

You can compile the standalone miner like it’s described in the beta-guide:

However, I hope someone will release a “normal” cpuminer soon :slight_smile:

Yes. A working cpuminer other than the standalone would be useful atm.

still waiting for an answer on my post … 3 posts above yours :wink:

It have some issues:

@DESKTOP-2NBTJGH:~ cd zminer/ ...@DESKTOP-2NBTJGH:~/zminer git checkout standalone-miner
Already on ‘standalone-miner’
Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/standalone-miner’.
@DESKTOP-2NBTJGH:~/zminer$ ./src/zcash-miner -stratum=stratum+tcp:// \

-username=abc.1 -password=y -printtoconsole -debug
bash: ./src/zcash-miner: No such file or directory

“NO such file or directory”, i check it has not “src/zcash-miner” folder.
How can i fix it?
Thanks you

check compiler log probably you get an error after

./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

or even you do not compile it

Hashrates should now match your rigs, i’ve got payments working too, will be enabled soon. Launch is almost here, can’t wait :slight_smile:

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I ran ./zcutil/ -j$(nproc).
But the computer was reseted when it was compiling.
Then i run again ./zcutil/ -j$(nproc). It show “NO such file or directory”
I deleted the zminer folder, clone and compile str4d’s miner again. But, It aloso show “NO such file or directory”

How can i fix it?

I did not figure out how to point the Nicehash windows miner to your pool. Can you help me with that?

Great work, thank you.

My terminal reports about 3-4 hashes/sec, but on the dashboard I see 13 hashes/sec, Which one is true?

clone GitHub - feeleep75/nheqminer: Equihash miner
edit the main.cpp file and change pool address and username\password
compile and run.

A mixture of both :slight_smile:

There is currently a confusion about H/s and Sols/s … We will find some consensus sooner or later, currently you can trust your miner or the pool… Whatever you like :slight_smile:

It’s even easier, check here:

Then here:

And then do this:

nheqminer -l -u Weblogin.Worker -p password -t 4