Suprnova's ZCash Pool

Please stop posting things about other coins in this thread, it’s fully unrelated. Check the thread of the other coin at, as with every other coin, you have to wait until the blocks are confirmed by the network before they can be paid

ok, Thank you !!!

@ocminer Is there issue on your pool? taking much longer to submit shares and get accepted. Bottleneck with this nethash increase?

Nvm: my router is acting strange lately. Thanks anyway.

I haven’t received a payout since Friday.

Here are the TX# listed for the transactions. Not sure why the newer numbers don’t start with opid.


Hi !

You can check all the long tx’es in the public block explorer:

for example…

They’re all there.

Maybe you need to resync your wallet ?

I thought I had sync’d up already but that must have been the issue. I see it all now.


Pleasure, let me know if you have any further questions

So now that the pool fee has returned to 1%, how long will the withdrawal fee remain at 0 ZEC ?

Depends on the hash, with everything above 1.000.000 H/s I can leave it away as the 1% fee covers it just fine

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Now that payments are flawless it’s rather quiet… :wink:

Can’t login, more DDoS attacks?

@ocminer Now that things have calmed down, do you mind explaining what each column in the Block Overview means?
(Statistics > Blocks > Block Overview)

Also, the graph on Statistics > Graph > Stats is not working.

I’m working on the “long time” Stats currently they’ll be filled with data soon, currently I had to disable that because scaling the pool was more important.

But you’re right, things have calmed down pretty much already, i’m not getting 100 mails per day anymore :slight_smile:

Updated to v1.0.2 - all payments / pools / nodes are running absolutely flawless currently.

We’re finally getting there :slight_smile:

silentarmy now with nvidia support (linux):

Works fine on on nvidia 1060 and 970:

./silentarmy --list
Devices on platform “NVIDIA CUDA”:
ID 0: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
ID 1: GeForce GTX 970

./silentarmy --use 0,1 -c stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p x

Total 45.9 sol/s [dev0 26.1, dev1 23.7] 17 shares
Total 46.4 sol/s [dev0 27.2, dev1 24.0] 17 shares
Total 45.9 sol/s [dev0 26.4, dev1 23.1] 17 shares
Total 46.0 sol/s [dev0 27.3, dev1 23.2] 17 shares
Total 46.7 sol/s [dev0 26.7, dev1 24.6] 17 shares
Total 46.3 sol/s [dev0 25.8, dev1 24.2] 17 shares
Total 47.1 sol/s [dev0 27.2, dev1 24.6] 17 shares
Total 47.2 sol/s [dev0 27.5, dev1 25.0] 17 shares

Frontend is not working atm.

Sorry, it’s back up again

Added a ZCLASSIC Pool too:

You can use the same settings to mine on it like for ZEC

What is zclassic? Have we forked already? Lol sorry been really busy at work

Yeah someone forked it without founders reward and just wants to merge all upstream changes from ZEC… So it’s supposed to be exactly same as ZEC… But without founders reward

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