What Sol/Rate do you need to kick in the ball

Hello Folks,

I have tried some cpu mining with:

Block height | 152215
Connections | 8
Network solution rate | 210135622 Sol/s
Local solution rate | 25.9051 Sol/s

It is running since 13 hours but did not mine a dime :frowning:

 zcash-cli getinfo
  "version": 1001051,
  "protocolversion": 170002,
  "walletversion": 60000,
  "balance": 0.00000000,
  "blocks": 152217,
  "timeoffset": 0,
  "connections": 8,
  "proxy": "",
  "difficulty": 3796791.508051278,
  "testnet": false,
  "keypoololdest": 1496995802,
  "keypoolsize": 101,
  "paytxfee": 0.00000000,
  "relayfee": 0.00000100,
  "errors": ""

I start thinking something is broken in my setup.

Cpu mining is not profitable… google it… use a good GPU to start with

Use a zcash profit calculator to know what power you need to get the desired profits.

You can mine with your CPU, but you will probably not benefit from solo mining.
Using a pool, you could achieve probably 0.2 ZEC within a year, which is not feasible.

As the other posts mention, you need at least a GPU to get some positive results.

With the current difficulty, you need around 1500 H/s to mine ~1 ZEC in a months time, which would require a setup of 4 or more cards to achieve.

Given that the difficulty changes over time, the overall result can be less (and will certainly), since it was possible to mine 1 ZEC with less than 700 H/s two month ago, which cannot be achieved anymore.