Where does the miner connect to when no address is configured?

I have a question , when running genoil without any IP address or web address , where does it connect ??
maybe to silent army server ?!
please try this config:



genoil.exe -u t1Y76AwaHzsrRnCj6kp2Z6VDCPuwcp8BVTx -p x -P 0 -i 18

timeout /t 1 /nobreak
taskkill /f /im genoil.exe
timeout 2
goto loop

I would assume that if you don’t specify an address then you would be solo mining. I have not used that particular miner before so can’t say for sure.

I just noticed when i did capture. its connecting to zec.suprnova.cc
you think they are sharing our mining ?

what are you talking about ? @R34P3R

At a glance and not using that software, it looks like there is a configurable file called pool or something close to it that has editable server information stored. I would suggest that you check through folder for a readme file.