mine is syncing always until 99.99% and all my mined coins are showing up
wallet works great but i do get a popup about it losing connection with the network. it keeps working in the background. It would be nice if the popup would go away once it reconnects. I have to clear it several times a day.
are you running WinZec all day long 24h/7?
yes, it runs 24/7 on my mining rig.
for which reason? (20char)
Its my ZEC wallet, i send all my mining payments to it, why wouldn’t I run it all the time??
You can if you like, you don’t have to run it 24/7. Once a day for 5 to 10 minutes (to sync blockchain) or once a week for 20 to 30 minutes or once a month is the bare minimal you have to do.
shouldn’t keeping your wallet open considered as a node?
So actually keeping it open supports the network, right?
That’s what I assumed as well, i keep mine running also because syncing takes so long
I open it all 3 to 7 days. No need to let it run or does it really help? if yes, what is the help I can give let it run all the time? the download doesn’t take thaaaat long after 7 days, except you have a 56k line
Keeping the full node wallet open helps the network, as far as I know.
Hello! How can I change the location of the datadir of WinZec? I want all that stuff (blockchain data, wallet) to be stored in a different place.
Maybe this can help, seems tricky with windows
The Windows 10 method seems more generalized about storage devices
Edit- the winzec disclaimer at the very beginning states the program is free to be modified, so if you or someone you know can do that (modify java)
make sure you backup AND export your private keys too.
In order to properly recreate your wallet on another device you must import the file exported from export private keys option, there wont be any history because thats the backup option (rename that wallet.dat and place into the file i suppose)
If you import the backup (which it says before you do, the file must be created from the export option), it will only restore a partial total and may not be spendable anyway
The show private keys option is good to backup as well, it will allow you to save them as a txt so you could potentially restore on another platform
Thank you, but I don’t think this enables me what I want to achieve.
- WinZec puts its stuff into Appdata\Roaming, not Documents.
- To avoid further complications, I don’t want to displace everything from Appdata (or Documents), only the thing that uses a lot of disk space (Zcash’s stuff - blockchain, proving key, wallet files).
I don’t know how to modify the java to accomplish this. A GUI option would be great for this, or even just a starting parameter as in Bitcoin Core. Here I don’t know about anything similar.
Also thanks for the advice on the backups.
The show private keys option is good to backup as well, it will allow you to save them as a txt so you could potentially restore on another platform
Saving private keys in a txt is a very bad idea. One should at least use an encrypted password manager to store such information.
PS. Please use replies so I will be notified of your comments.
I didn’t know if that would help, sorry
If you look in winzec file location
Program files, winzec, app, you’ll see a .bat file called first-run that contains
mkdir %appdata%\zcash and a few other mkdir’s
Maybe changing that before installing to the directory of your choice (may have to change the apps path too, so it can find where these directories are now stored idk if installing with these changes would inherently change that to)
And yea encrypting those files would be a good idea, easy too
Edit- yeah I think the article I shared describes a method to change the target directory for all of your programs, the default being appdata
Which leads to this
Microsoft guy warns of potential instability which i think is assumed
@phakov mentioned encryption on another thread
I encyrpted the wallet.dat with 7zip, it just requires extraction before and re encryption when your done (wont read while encrypted)
Some windows versions have EFS which may allow this but dont know
Download 7zip
Rigth click the file
Select 7zip>add to archive
Enter password (there are other options as well)
The file is small so only takes a few seconds
To open
Right click file
Select open archive>7z
Right click file
Select open and enter password
Copy and paste this file into the roaming folder if not already there (best i could come up with for now)
Edit- the wallet.7z file (the encrypted file) CAN remain in the roaming folder without affecting normal function, so
When you close the wallet you can
Encrypt wallet.dat to get a wallet.7z file
Then delete wallet.dat (or move it somewhere if you’re not sure at first, remember it goes to the trash can if deleted normally, I think there’s an option to automatically delete it after encryption) and leave the encrypted file in place
Then before you open the wallet,
extract and place into the roaming folder
(Maybe excryprt is the word!)
Thank you for all the help, I’ll try them if still needed!
Word of advice: don’t use 7zip for storing sensitive data. It uses relatively few rounds in its key derivation function, making relatively vulnerable. Rather use something like Veracrypt containers.